Class Notes: Cryptology - I and II (seminar)
Spring 1997 - TR - time and room TBA
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Background Material
Appendix D: Review of Field Theory
D-1. Basic Concepts of Fields
D-2. Rings, Subrings, Integral Domains, and Ideals
D-3. Polynomial Rings
1. Historical Ciphers of Pedagogic Interest
2. Early Twentieth-Century Ciphers
3. Practical Twentieth-Century Ciphers
3.1. Block Encryption Systems
3.1.1. Product Ciphers
3.1.2. LUCIFER and IDEA Ciphers
3.1.3. Data Encryption Standard (DES)
3.1.4. Cryptanalysis of DES
3.2. Public-Key Cryptography (PKC)
3.2.1. Problems, Solutions, and Pitfalls
3.2.2. Linear Homomorphisms
3.2.3. RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adelman)
3.2.4. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
3.2.5. Cryptanalysis of RSA/PGP
3.3. Applications of Public-key Cryptosystems
3.3.1. Overview of Implementational Issues
3.3.2. MICs, Digital Signatures, and Message Digests
3.3.3. Computation of Message Digests, with Applications
4. Advanced Twentieth-Century Ciphers
4.1. Key Generation using Conic Sections
4.1.1. Parabolic and Hyperbolic Functions
4.1.2. Elliptic-Curve Cryptosystems
5. Recent Advances in Cryptology and Computer Security