Information theory is an important subdiscipline of mathematics that emerged from cryptologic research in the late 1940s. Primarily deriving from the work of Claude Shannon [Sha49] at Bell Laboratories, information theory provides a rigorous framework for modelling the content of messages in cryptology in terms of the number of bits required to encode each symbol.
In this section, we present an introduction to information theory that clarifies concepts of information theory and statistical encoding. For those who are more mathematically inclined, excellent discussions of information theory are given in [McE77] and [Ham86].
Assumption. Let P1,P2,P3 :
F -> F and let
n1 = |range(P1)|
with n2 = |range(P2)|. If P3
is obtained from some function of the output of P1 and
P2, then domain(P3)
× range(P2). However, we previously assumed
that range(Pi) = domain(Pi) for
i = 1..3. The preceding expression can thus be rewritten as:
× range(P2),
|range(P3)| < |range(P1)| · |range(P2)| .
In the limiting case, where the preceding relation is the equality relation, we have n3 = n1 · n2.Observation. The amount of information output by a continually productive source is a strictly increasing function of time.
Definition. Let H denote the information content (or entropy) of a process, and let H denote the operation that computes H. In the first Observation of this section, if Hi = H(Pi) for i = 1..3, then the entropy of P3 is given by H3 = H1 + H2.
Lemma 1. Given the preceding assumption and processes P1,P1 : F -> F, the entropy H(P3) of a process P3 = f(P1,P2) is given by
H(P3) = log(n3) = log(N(P3))
if the following conditions are satisfied:
log(n3) = log(n1·n2) = log(n1) + log(n2) .
Thus, if H = log, then H3 = H1 + H2, and the lemma holds.Example. Let n1 = N(P1) = 32 and n2 = N(P2) = 64. It follows that H1 = 5 and H2 = 6. If n3 = n1 · n2, then H3 = H(P3) = H1 + H2 = 11 bits. As a result, P3 has 211 = 2048 possible outcomes.
We next explore the case when two processes have outcomes that are not equiprobable.
pi = ni/n , where i = 1,2 .
Recall that the entropy associated with one message among n equally likely outcomes is denoted by H(n) = log(n). However, for n1/n of the time, H(n1) = log(n1). Symmetrically, H(n2) = log(n2). Thus, the net entropy is given byH = log(n) - (n1/n)·log(n1) - (n2/n)·log(n2) ,
which can be expressed in terms of probabilities as:H = -(p1/n)·log(p1) - (p2/n)·log(p2) .
Since p1,p2 < 0, the logarithms are negative and H > 0.Via the preceding equation, we can express information content in terms of a discrete probability distribution over a random variable. The following theorem is illustrative.
Theorem 2. Let a process P have n possible outcomes that exhibit individual probabilities pi, where i = 1..n. The entropy of P, denoted by H(P), is given by
H(P) =
-pi · logpi .
We next restate the law of additive combination of information, with proof given in [Ham86] and [McE77].
H(P) = H(P1) + H(P2) .
Theorem 4. If a process P is comprised of two processes P1 and P2 that are not statistically independent, then the entropy of P is given byH(P) < H(P1) + H(P2) .
The following theorem of maximum information is stated without proof, which may be assigned as an exercise or as homework.Theorem 5. If a discrete process P has n outcomes that exhibit individual probabilities pi, i = 1..n, then P yields maximum information when pi = 1/n.
Definition. If an alphabet has n symbols, then the average rate is given by log(n)/n bits per symbol.
Example. The modern English alphabet F has 26 symbols plus the ten digits 0-9. Excluding the digits, H(F) = log(26) = 4.5 bits/symbol. If the probability of each letter is taken into account and we apply Equation (I), then H(F) < 4 bits/symbol. Using a text corpus abstracted from technical documents, Shannon showed that the actual information content of English is approximately one bit per symbol, since the nonuniform distribution of n-grams implies statistical dependence among symbols. In practice, various entropy values can be obtained using different text corpi expressed in other languages.
We next discuss the computation of measures of information content in encrypted text.
Example. Assume that the substitution cipher T : FX × K -> FX, where K is called the keyspace and T is one-to-one and onto. Let |F| = 26, as before, and let K = F. Recall from previous examples that there are 26! (i.e., |F|!) possible keys of length 26 symbols.
Let us construct a 26-character key that encrypts a 40-character
text (i.e., |X| = 40). The information content of the
key is given by Hk = log(|F|!)
= log(26!). If the plaintext has entropy
then the substitution has entropy H(T) <
Ht + Hk, since the plaintext and key may
not be statistically independent.
From Theorem 5, a 40-character text has maximum entropy
Ht + Hk = Ht +
log(26!) .
- Hk = 40 · log(26) - log(26)!
= 100 bits .
Digressing for a moment, we note that in data compression, one attempts to reduce the entropy of compressed data without losing required information. In order to compress data, we typically eliminate redundancy, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways. In cryptography, we also want to reduce redundancy where possible, since redundant information can increase the likelihood that a cryptanalyst would discover the information.
In this section, we briefly discuss measures of redundancy and apply such measures to various textual examples. The utility of this technique will become more apparent when we consider methods of cryptanalysis in Appendix C and discuss more advanced methodologies in the section on modern ciphers.
[Ham86] Hamming, R.W. Coding and Information Theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall (1986).
[McE77] McEliece, R. The Theory of Information and Coding: A Mathematical Framework for Communication, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley (1977).
[Pat87] Patterson, W. Mathematical Cryptology for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, Totowa, NJ:Rowan and Littlefield (1987).
[Sha49] Shannon, C. Mathematical Theory of Communication, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press (1949).
This concludes our discussion of basic information theory. More involved concepts will be defined when they are introduced in theory development.