S.~Har-Peled and {A.~\Ungor}.
A time-optimal Delaunay refinement algorithm.
{\em Proc.~ ACM Symp.~on Computational Geometry (SoCG)},
228--236, Pisa, Italy, Jun 2005.
Quality meshes made smaller.
Alper Ungor.
Proc. of the European Wrokshop on Computational Geometry, 2005.
Time Complexity of Practical Parallel Steiner Point Insertion Algorithms
[Extended abstract]
Dan Spielman,
Shang-hua Teng, and
Alper Üngör
(To appear) in Proceedings of
ACM-SPAA, Barcelona, Spain 2004.
Off-centers: A new type of Steiner points for
computing size-optimal guaranteed-quality Delaunay triangulations.
Alper Üngör
Proceedings of LATIN 2004, pp. 152-161,
April 5-9, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Approximation Algorithms for Degree-constrained Bipartite Network Flow.
Elif Akcali and
Alper Üngör,
Proceedings of
Int. Symposium
on Computer and Information Sciences,
163-170, Antalya, Turkey, Nov 2003.
Springer LNCS-2869.
Relaxed Scheduling in Dynamic Skin Triangulation
Herbert Edelsbrunner and
Alper Üngör
Proceedings of the
Japan Conf. on Discrete and Computational Geometry,
Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2002.
Springer LNCS-series.
Building space-time meshes over arbitrary spatial domains
Jeff Erickson,
Damrong Guoy,
John Sullivan, and
Alper Üngör
Proceedings of the
11th International
Meshing Roundtable, pp 391-402, 2002.
Parallel Delaunay Refinement: Algorithms and Analyses
Dan Spielman,
Shang-hua Teng, and
Alper Üngör
Proceedings of the
11th International
Meshing Roundtable, 205-217, 2002.
Tiling 3D Euclidean space with acute tetrahedra
Alper �ng�r
Proc. of
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, pp. 169-172, Waterloo, ON, 2001.
Discontinuous Galerkin method for elastodynamics
with local balance of energy and momentum
Robert Haber, Lin Yin, Alla Sheffer, Alper �ng�r and Boris Petracovici
Symposium on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods,
Dearborn, MI, August 2001.
A space-time discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear conservation laws
Jay Palaniappan, Robert B. Haber, Robert D. Moser, Alla Sheffer and Alper �ng�r
Symposium on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods,
Dearborn, MI, August 2001.
Efficient adaptive meshing of parametric models
Alla Sheffer and Alper �ng�r
Proc. of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications ,
Ann Arbor, MI, June 2001.
Tent-pitcher: a meshing algorithm for
space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods
Alper �ng�r and Alla Sheffer
Proc. of the 9th International Meshing Roundtable,
New Orleans, LO, October 2000.
An alignment algorithm for anisotropic
meshes with non-uniform flow fields.
Alper �ng�r
Proc. of 7th Int. Numerical Grid Generation, Whistler, Canada, 2000.
Space-Time meshes for non-linear hyperbolic problems
satisfying a non-uniform cone constraint.
Alper �ng�r, Alla Sheffer, Robert Haber
Proc. of 7th Int. Numerical Grid Generation, Whistler, Canada, 2000.
Smoothing cleans up slivers
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Xiang-Yang Li, Gary Miller,
Andreas Stathopoulos, Dafna Talmor, Shang-Hua Teng,
Alper �ng�r and Noel Walkington
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC00), 273-277,
Portland, Oregon. May 21-23, 2000.
Constrained 2D space-time meshing with all tetrahedra
Alper �ng�r, Cinda Heeren, Xiang-Yang Li, Alla Sheffer,
Robert Haber, and Shang-Hua Teng
16th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation,Applied Mathematics
and Simulation, Lausanne, Switzerland August 21-25, 2000.
Generation of 2D space-time meshes obeying the cone constraint.
Alla Sheffer, Alper �ng�r, Robert Haber and Shang-Hua Teng
International Conference on Computational Engineering Science
Los Angeles, CA, August 2000.
Point placement for meshless methods using sphere packing and advancing
front methods.
Xiangyang Li, ShangHua Teng and Alper �ng�r
International Conference on Computational Engineering Science
Los Angeles, CA, August 2000.
Biting spheres in 3D
Xiangyang Li, ShangHua Teng and Alper �ng�r
8th International Meshing Roundtable,
Lake Tahoe, CA, October 1999.
Biting ellipses to generate anisotropic meshes
Xiangyang Li, ShangHua Teng and Alper �ng�r
8th International Meshing Roundtable,
Lake Tahoe, CA, October 1999.
Biting: advancing front meets sphere packing
Xiangyang Li, ShangHua Teng and Alper �ng�r
2nd Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation,
Fifth USNCCM, Boulder, Colorado, August 4-6, 1999.
Simultaneous refinement and coarsening:
adaptive meshing with moving boundary
Xiangyang Li, ShangHua Teng and Alper �ng�r
7th International Meshing Roundtable,
Dearborn, Michigan, pp. 201-210, October 1998.