In this tutorial, we explore the basic functionality of Swarm-NG, note that this tutorial is too short and only covers commonly used API.
For more examples look at other Python tutorials.
Source code for this tutorial can be found at py/tutorial.py
First thing is to import swarmng package. It is located in \<SOURCE DIRECTORY\>/py/swarmng/
It takes care of loading the libswarmng_ext.so; it also contains some Pythonified API on top of libswarmng_ext. But please run the scripts from your build directory so swarmng can find your libraries.
swarm functions cannot take hashes for config. So we have to create the special config object (a C++ std::map) using swarmng.config function This first line initializes Swarm-NG. 'nogpu' option allows us to run this script on a machine without GPU
Now we can load an ensemble from a text file. The ensemble file is in the swarm source directory:
We use a simple call that loads the file and returns the data structure
We can also look into the data structure and view the values
We can treat the data structure as an array. e.g to set the position of body 0 of system 3 you can write:
We can easily make a copy of the whole data structure in this example we need to have two ensembles: reference (ref) and a working copy (ens)
Now we have to select our integrator, swarmng.Integrator.create function instantiates an integrator for us. In this case, we use a CPU based implementation of Hermite PEC2 integrator(hermite_cpu) To see what integrators are available, 'run bin/swarm -p' from command line.
we set up the parameters to the integrator
Now do the integration
A very common task is to check the energy conservation the function swarmng.find_max_energy_conservation_error does this task for us, given two ensembles.