Swarm executable is a command line user interface to Swarm-NG package.
Swarm executable can be used to accomplish different tasks:
Usage: swarm [options] COMMAND [PARAMETER VALUE VALUE ...] Possible commands are: integrate : Integrate a [loaded|generated] ensemble benchmark : Compare outputs for different methods of integrations verify : Verify an integrator against a reference integrator query : Query data from a log file test : Test a configuration against input/output files generate : Generate a new ensemble and save it to output file convert : Read input file and write it to output file (converts to/from text) Options: General Options: -c [ --cfg ] arg Integrator configuration file --defaults Use default values for required configuration options -h [ --help ] produce help message -p [ --plugins ] list all of the plugins -v [ --verbose ] arg Verbosity level (debug output) -q [ --quiet ] Suppress all the notifications (for CSV generation) Integation Options: -d [ --destination_time ] arg Destination time to achieve -l [ --logarithmic ] arg Produce times in logarithmic scale -n [ --interval ] arg Energy test intervals -i [ --input ] arg Input file -o [ --output ] arg Output file -I [ --text_input ] arg Text Input file -O [ --text_output ] arg Text Output file Benchmark Options: --range arg Parameter value range param=v1,v2,v3 Query Options: -t [ --time ] arg range of times to query -s [ --system ] arg range of systems to query -b [ --body ] arg range of bodies to query -k [ --keplerian ] output in Keplerian coordinates --astrocentric output coordinates in astrocentric frame --barycentric output coordinates in barycentric frame --origin output coordinates in origin frame [default w/ Cartesian] --jacobi output coordinates in Jacobi frame [default w/ Keplerian] -f [ --logfile ] arg the log file to query
Typical use of swarm requires a command followed by several options and parameters specific to the command. There are some options that are general to all commands, but most options are only valid with specific commands.
Following options are interpreted by swarm regardless of the command used.
integrator=hermite nsys=16 nbod=3 time_step=0.001 log_writer=null
param 1 = value param 2 = valueNote that parameter name can contain spaces, the space is considered when parsing the file. Although the configuration file is optional, it is highly recommended. Because most components of the library require configuration and if the configuration is not provided by user, a predefined configuration will be used.
Reads an ensemble from a file (Generates one if no input file specified) and integrates it. Statistical information about time progress and energy conservation will be written to output in specified intervals. The resulting ensemble is saved to a file if an output file is specified.
swarm integrate -c test.cfg swarm integrate -c conf1.cfg -d 100 -i INPUT.bin -o OUTPUT.bin swarm integrate -c conf2.cfg -d 100 -n 10 -I INPUT.txt -O OUTPUT.txt
Put integrators under stress test and compare the timing and stability of different integration scenarios.
Benchmark requires a parameter name to iterate over and values for the parameter. Values can be listed in the command line or can be specified using from, to, inc switches for looping over numerical values.
Parameter name should be a valid configuration parameter. In the current version, any parameter can be iterated over, however some parameters should not be iterated over this behavior might change in future versions. Paramaters that are usually used for benchmark are: - nsys : Number of systems - nbod : Number of bodies - integrator: Integrator plugin used for integration - config : Integrate using different configuration - blocksize: Number of systems in a block. only a few numbers are allowed: e.g 16, 32, 64
You have to define a range for benchmarking using –range switch. The parameter to range can be in one of these three forms
Performs a stress test for a specific integration scenario using generated systems
swarm benchmark -c conf.cfg --range nsys=4000,8000,16000,32000
Integrate an ensemble stored in text format in testcase.txt using three different integrators and compare the time and stability.
swarm benchmark -c base.cfg -I testcase.txt --range integrator=hermite,rkck_fixed
Compare 3 completely different integration scenarios stored in 3 different files using the same test data.
swarm benchmark -I testcase.txt config=case1.cfg,case2.cfg,case3.cfg
Strees test for different number of bodies ranging from 3 to 9.
swarm benchmark -c conf.cfg nbod=3..9
Strees test for different number of systems ranging from 3000 to 9000 by the increment of 1000.
swarm benchmark -c conf.cfg nsys=3000..1000..9000
It will run for number of systems equal to 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000.
Integrate ensembles in different scenarios and compare the results to a reference implementation.
First, the ensemble is integrated using the base configuration. The resulting ensemble is then used as reference ensemble. Then the different scenarios are executed and after each integration scenario the result is compared to reference ensemble. Positions and velocitios of each body is compared to corresponding body in the reference ensemble. Time of the corresponding systems should be close enough. The difference between values can be tolerated up to certain user-controlled threshold.
To use different scenarios, you can use the same syntax as benchmark command. While you can iterate over any parameter, it is recommended to iterate only over integrators and configurations.
These options should be specified in the base configuration:
Provided that basecpu.cfg contains all the configurations for hermite, euler and verlet integrators and integrator is set to a CPU integrator, the following line verifies the correctness of hermite, euler and verlet integrators versus a CPU implementation using data from testcase.txt
swarm benchmark -c basecpu.cfg -I testcase.txt integrator=hermite,rkck_fixed
Used for inetgrity testing of swarm. Similar to verify but compares the results to a pre-calculated ensemble.
Options and execution is similar to integrate command. After the integration, the output file is loaded and is compared to the result of integration. The test is passed if the difference in time, positions and velocities is less than the user-controllable thresholds. cf. Configuration Options
First Step: On machine A, generate the output file using a specific integration scenario:
MachineA$ swarm integrate -c integ.cfg -I testinput.txt -O testoutput.txt
Second Step: Copy all files to machine B, build swarm and test the same integration scenario using:
MachineB$ swarm test -c integ.cfg -I testinput.txt -O testoutput.txt && echo "Test Passed!"
Generate a stable ensemble for stability tests.
Configuration Options:
Generate an ensemble with 12000 systems consisting of 4 bodies each. Put two lines in generate.cfg:
nsys=12000 nbod=4
Generate the ensamble using swarm generate
swarm generate -c generate.cfg -o ensemble.bin
Convert text files to binary files and vice versa.
Convert text to binary
Convert binary to text
Convert text file to binary
swarm convert -I my.txt -o my.bin
Convert binary file to text
swarm convert -i my.bin -O my.txt