Swarm-NG  1.1
Tutorial for Making a Propagator

A propagator class implements a device function that advance one system by one time step for one system (or at least attempts one timestep).

These can be readily combined with the generic_integrator to quickly provide a new GPU-based integration algorithm.

This is the header file where you define the new propagator

We have to create a separate data structure that holds the parameters for the propagator. This data structure is initialized with the configuration object when the propagator plugin is loaded.

Data structure for TutorialPropagator

double time_step;

Constructor for TutorialPropagatorParams

time_step = cfg.require("time_step", 0.0);

This is the actual class that represents our propagator, we cannot initialize variables in the class because this class is instantiated at the place when it needs to be used. The propagator class is parametrized by number of bodies (class T contains it) and an implementation of Gravitational force calculation algorithm. Class TutorialPropagator

template<class T,class Gravitation>

This will give the Generic integrator an idea about the struct type we used for the parameters Data structure

typedef TutorialPropagatorParams params;

We get the number of bodies at the compile-time. The propagator should use this value for number of bodies instead of getting it from the ensemble.

const static int nbod = T::n;

We define variables that we use throughout the integration _params contains all the parameters from the configuration. sys is the system that we have to operate on. and calcForces is the implementation of force calculation algorithm

The constructure initializez these member variables from what is provided.

params _params;
ensemble::SystemRef& sys;
Gravitation& calcForces;

Constructor for TutorialPropagator

GPUAPI TutorialPropagator(const params& p,ensemble::SystemRef& s,
Gravitation& calc)

These are the variables that are generally used in the integrators, we receive these variable in this way from the integrator. b, c and ij are define our work based on the thread id. b is the number of body, c is the component number (0,1,2). and ij is the pair number that is passed to calcForces

int b;
int c;
int ij;

body_component_grid and first_thread_in_system are useful predicates when we want to exclude some threads from updating the data structures.

bool body_component_grid;
bool first_thread_in_system;

max_timestep is set by the generic_integrator, this is the biggest time step that we are allowed to take. Usually it is only bound by the destination_time and the default implementation uses destination_time - sys.time().(but it can be used otherwise).

double max_timestep;

init function is executed before entering the integration loop a propagator can set-up data structure if needed. shutdown is executed right after the integration loop. So it do the clean-up.

GPUAPI void init() { }
GPUAPI void shutdown() { }

These functions are only used if the propagator uses a coordinate system other than the default.

GPUAPI void convert_internal_to_std_coord() {}
GPUAPI void convert_std_to_internal_coord() {}

propagator can use arbitrary number of systems and may use some shared memory, but it should be reported here so the launcher can initialize it.

static GENERIC int thread_per_system(){ return nbod * 3; }
static GENERIC int shmem_per_system() { return 0; }

The advance function is called within the integration loop The main purpose of the advance function is to integrate the system and advance the system in time.

The usual implemnation consist of sampling accleration (and jerk if needed) at one or more points around the current system time and extrapolate position and velocities. Function for advancing time steps

GPUAPI void advance(){

we define the local values just for more readable code.

double pos = 0.0, vel = 0.0;
double acc = 0.0, jerk = 0.0;

we have to use the predicate so we do not go out of bounds of the array.

if( body_component_grid ) pos = sys[b][c].pos() , vel = sys[b][c].vel();

First step of integration: calculate the accelartion (second derivative of position) and jerk (third derivative of position). The gravitation algorithm needs all the specified parameters. The acceleration and jerk are returned in the last two variables (acc,jerk).


For more precise integrations, we want to end exactly at the destination_time, that means that h cannot be greater than max_timestep that is allowed by the wrapper.

double h = min(_params.time_step, max_timestep);

For this simple integrator, we use explicit Euler integration equations. More complex equations can be used in practice.

pos = pos + h * ( vel + (h*0.5) * (acc + (h/3.0)*jerk ) );
vel = vel + h * ( acc + (h*0.5) * jerk );

Finalize the step: save the position and velocities back to the ensemble data structure and advance the system time.

if( body_component_grid ) sys[b][c].pos() = pos , sys[b][c].vel() = vel;
if( first_thread_in_system ) sys.time() += h;
