TOPIC | CONTENT | LECTURES (recorded for your convenience) | |
Box-splines and NURBS |
Intro test
univariate (B-)splines: 1a 1b 1c 1d B-splines: Examples almost formal de Boor's version BB-form rotation minimizing frames |
25-08 (box splines via projection) 27-08 (B-splines) 30-08 (introtest 1-3, interactive curves) 01-09 (B-spline recursion) 03-09 (spline evaluation) | |
space partition, collision |
Barycentric coordinates 2a 2b space_partition 2c 2d |
08-09 (Proj1, B-splines) 10-09 (variation diminuition) 13-09 (frames) 15-09 (barycentric and bounding) (web down) 17-09 (slefe) | |
fractals, shape grammars |
rep-tile and dimension Koch snowflake, Serpinski triangle Hilbert (Space-filling) curve Julia set |
20-09 (dimension) 22-09 (Proj 1 review, Koch) 24-09 (Julia sets, space filling) | |
ordinary differential equations: | ode |
27-09 (ode)
29-09 (bvp) 01-10 (sample test) 04-10 (sample test) | |
Test 1: (1 variable) Wed Oct 06 | B-splines, BB-form(ulas), curve differential geometry, ODE, Fractal | oct-11 (test review + bivariate) | |
Multi-variate |
-- PN triangles on the tessellation engine -- PN quads -- PN triangles -- spheroids -- Clough-Tocher element Box-splines and subdivision -- Catmull-Clark subdivision -- Loop subdivision, sqrt{3} subdivision -- fast Voronoi |
( BB-form notes )
oct-15 (BB-form control net) DeCasteljau Subdivsion oct-18 (no recording) oct-20 (PN triangles) oct-22 (PN quads) oct-25 ( BB-form derivative ) oct-27 ( tetroid hexoid ) oct-29 ( eval diff erentiation ) nov-01 ( Clough-Tocher ) nov-03 ( box-spline subdivision ) |
Test 2: (multi variable) |
nov-05 ( test prep ) nov-08 ( test discuss ) nov-10 ( CC subdiv ) nov-12 ( simplest Loop ) nov-17 (voronoi) nov-19 (pixel accurate rendering) |
select final Readings |
GTC 21 Nanite software raster |
nov-22 (geometry clustering) nov-29 (software raster) |