active projects
EarSketch CAI
Engaging high school students in computer science with co-creative learning companions. (Funding: National Science Foundation, DRL-1814083) -
Immersive game-based learning curricular strategy for infusing computational thinking and computational fluency into middle school science. (Funding: CNS-1138497, DRL-1640141) -
Fostering collaborative computer science learning with intelligent virtual companions for upper elementary students. (Funding: National Science Foundation, DRL-1721160) -
Fostering collaborative dialogue for rigorous learning and diverse student retention in computer science. (Funding: National Science Foundation, CNS-1453520, CNS-1622438) -
Engaging STEM undergraduate students in computer science with intelligent tutoring systems. (Funding: National Science Foundation, DUE-1626235, DUE-1625908) -
The Dialogue HMM Project
Building computational models of the structure of human dialogue. completed projects
Adapting to affect in multimodal dialogue-rich interaction with middle school students. (Funding: National Science Foundation, IIS-1409639) -
Research Triangle Peer Teaching Fellows
Scalable evidence-based peer teaching for improving CS capacity and diversity. (Funding: Google Research 3x3 Capacity Award) -
Natural language dialogue system for introductory computer programming. (Funding: National Science Foundation, DRL-10007962) -
K-5 CS Principles
Developing an upper elementary Computer Science Principles course. (Funding: Wake County Public School System)