Jamieka D. Wilkinson

Ph.D. Student, Educational Technology, University of Florida

Jamieka Wilkinson is a Ph.D. student in Educational Technology advised by Dr. Maya Israel and co-advised by Dr. Kristy Boyer. Before coming to the University of Florida, she obtained a Bachelor's of General Studies with a concentration in Physics from Florida Atlantic University. She also received a Master's of Arts in Teaching focusing on Secondary Mathematics at the University of North Florida. In her research she explore the affective, cognitive, and social dimensions of learning by observing children’s interactions with dialogue-enriched, game-based learning environments. Jamieka is interested in supporting teachers and learners through the development of curricula and game-based learning environments for elementary learners to foster collaboration through computer science.


Ph.D., Educational Technology (Expected 2021)
   University of Florida

M.A.T, Secondary Mathematics (2017)
   University of North Florida

B.G.S, Physics (2015)
   Florida Atlantic University
