aCute A premium quality meshing software.
Implemented and licensed at the University of Florida, Gainesville
Partially funded by an NSF CAREER Award and an NSF Regular Grant
Contact: Alper Ungor, CISE Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611 ungoratcisedotufldotedu
Output Size Comparison
aCute creates smaller size triangulations. Tne number of Steiner points is almost the half of the number of Steiner points inserted by the previous Delaunay refinement methods.
aCute |
Triangle |
Smallest angle: 33, # Steiner points: 508,
# of triangles: 1564 |
Smallest angle: 33, # Steiner points: 1608,
# of triangles: 3731 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 1371,
# of triangles: 4012 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 3976,
# of triangles: 8836 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 2042,
# of triangles: 5319 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 7334,
# of triangles: 15723 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 279,
# of triangles: 1876 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 750,
# of triangles: 956 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 416,
# of triangles: 1715 |
Smallest angle: 30, # Steiner points: 813,
# of triangles: 2506 |
Smallest angle: 34, # Steiner points: 551,
# of triangles: 1621 |
Smallest angle: 34, # Steiner points: 2820,
# of triangles: 6135 |
Plot of average output size ratio of Triangle 1.4 and Triangle 1.6 with Algorithm 2 (our method) in
terms of the number of Steiner points vs. the constraint angle alpha for 40 data sets.