Editor, Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles (CRC press, in process).
Editor, special issue of JSC on geometric constraints (in process )
FRG meeting, University of Florida, March 2018
BIRS July 2015 Advances in Geometric and Combinatorial rigidity
AIM Oct 2014 Workshop on configuration spaces
BIRS 2012 Workshop on Inductive constructions on rigidity
Annual meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic
ADG Automated deduction in geometry, every two years, on PC since 2004 2014
ACM SAC, Geometric constraints and reasoning, on PC annually since 2006. 2012
-- IASTED - ACST 2009
-- IASTED-NANA (Nanotechnology and Apps) 2008
-- IASTED - ACST (Advances in computer science and technology) 2008
-- 8th ASCM (Asian Symposium on Computational Math) 2007 National University of Singapore, Singapore.
-- IASTED - ACST (Advances in Computer Science and Technology) 2007
-- Association for Symbolic Logic, Annual meeting, 2007, Gainesville (Organizing committee)
-- IASTED - ACST (Advances in Computer Science and Technology) 2006
-- 7th ASCM (Asian Symposium on Computational Math) 2005 Korean Institute of Advanced Studies, Seoul.
-- IASTED - ACST (Advances in Computer Science and Technology) 2003
-- ISPAN (International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Networks) 2002
-- Workshop on Models of Parallel and Distributed Computation (in conjunction with IPDP) 2002
-- HiPC (High Performance Computing) 2002
-- ICPADS (International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems) 2002
Geometry, Graphics, Vision, Visualization/Simulation (G2V2) Seminar (co-coordinator). See also Previous (G2V2) Seminar page with more information
Algorithms and Theory Seminar (co-coordinator)
Asha UFlorida (faculty advisor)
Spicmacay-UF chapter (faculty advisor)
UF Faculty Senate Budget Council (Chair 2018) 2013-2019
United Faculty of Florida (senator) 2013 -
United Faculty of Florida - University of Florida (Survey Committee) 2013-
United Faculty of Florida - University of Florida (vice president) 2013-2018
University Faculty Senate 2012- 2018
Engineering Faculty Council 2012- 2018