General Information |
Instructor Information |
- Name: My T. Thai
- Office: CSE 566
- Phone: 352-392-6842
- Email:
- Office Hours: W 3:00pm - 4:40pm or by
Course Description |
For many optimization problems of theoretical
and practical interest, it is almost
unfeasible to find an exact solution unless P = NP, thus requiring
techniques for obtaining near-optimal solution with theoretical
performance guarantee, called approximation algorithms. One of the
central questions is the hardness of approximation, that is, how
tightly we can approximate the solution.
Of a great triumph of theoretical computer
science is the PCP Theorem discovered in the early 1990's and it
became even more important in the mid-1990's when it was shown to be
extremely powerful in proving the NP-hardness of approximation. Since
then, several optimal or near-optimal approximation ratios of many
core NP-optimization problems have been found using this connection.
This course will focus on the connection
between PCPs and approximation algorithms. In particular, the course
will cover many of the inapproximability results and PCPs used to
prove them, including very recent results on the cutting edge of
Course Objectives |
I plan to cover the following:
- Approximation Algorithms and Ratios
- Inapproximability Proofs
- Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCPs)
and The PCP connection
- Study Several Inapproximability Results,
both classic and recent results
- If time allows, the Dinur's proof of PCPs,
The Unique Games Conjecture, and Expander Graphs
Prerequisites |
- There is no formal prerequisite for this
course. However, students should have a solid background in algorithms
and the theory of NP-completeness. Knowing approximation algorithms is
a plus.
Textbooks |
- Not surprisingly, no textbook is used in this course. Instead, a list of
related papers will be provided along with my notes
Grading Policies |
- Homework Assignments:
- 2 homework assignments, each weighs 20%
- Due at the beginning of the lecture on
the due date
- No late assignment will be accepted
- Presentation:
- Present one paper, either selected from
the list of papers or one own interest with an approval of the
instructor. The presentation must include the details helping others
to understand the proofs, not simply state the theorems and results.
- Weighs 30%
- Final Project:
- Cut-off points:
- A >= 85%, 85% > B >= 75%, 75% >
C >= 65%
Other Policies |
- Academic Integrity Policy:
- Collaboration:
- You may discuss with other students on
solutions of homework assignments. However, you must write up
solutions on your own independently
- Cite any sources that you use to help obtain your
solutions (but do not copy the sources)