Matrix: SNAP/ca-HepTh

Description: Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics Theory

SNAP/ca-HepTh graph
(undirected graph drawing)

scc of SNAP/ca-HepTh

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  • download in Rutherford/Boeing format, file size: 95 KB.

    Matrix properties
    number of rows9,877
    number of columns9,877
    # strongly connected comp.429
    explicit zero entries0
    nonzero pattern symmetrysymmetric
    numeric value symmetrysymmetric
    Cholesky candidate?no
    positive definite?no

    authorJ. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg and C. Faloutsos
    editorJ. Leskovec
    kindundirected graph
    2D/3D problem?no

    Additional fieldssize and type
    nodenamefull 9877-by-1


    Networks from SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform) Network Data Sets,     
    Jure Leskovec                         
    email jure at                                                  
    High Energy Physics - Theory collaboration network                             
    Dataset information                                                            
    Arxiv HEP-TH (High Energy Physics - Theory) collaboration network is from the  
    e-print arXiv and covers scientific collaborations between authors papers      
    submitted to High Energy Physics - Theory category. If an author i co-authored 
    a paper with author j, the graph contains a undirected edge from i to j. If the
    paper is co-authored by k authors this generates a completely connected        
    (sub)graph on k nodes.                                                         
    The data covers papers in the period from January 1993 to April 2003 (124      
    months). It begins within a few months of the inception of the arXiv, and thus 
    represents essentially the complete history of its HEP-TH section.             
    Dataset statistics                                                             
    Nodes   9877                                                                   
    Edges   51971                                                                  
    Nodes in largest WCC    8638 (0.875)                                           
    Edges in largest WCC    49633 (0.955)                                          
    Nodes in largest SCC    8638 (0.875)                                           
    Edges in largest SCC    49633 (0.955)                                          
    Average clustering coefficient  0.4714                                         
    Number of triangles     28339                                                  
    Fraction of closed triangles    0.284                                          
    Diameter (longest shortest path)    17                                         
    90-percentile effective diameter    7.5                                        
    Source (citation)                                                              
    J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg and C. Faloutsos. Graph Evolution: Densification and 
    Shrinking Diameters. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM    
    TKDD), 1(1), 2007.                                                             
    File    Description                                                            
    ca-HepTh.txt.gz     Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics         
                         Theory category                                           

    SVD-based statistics:
    null space dimension837
    full numerical rank?no
    singular value gap2.85526e+10

    singular values (MAT file):click here
    SVD method used:s = svd (full (A)) ;

    SNAP/ca-HepTh svd

    For a description of the statistics displayed above, click here.

    Maintained by Tim Davis, last updated 12-Mar-2014.
    Matrix pictures by cspy, a MATLAB function in the CSparse package.
    Matrix graphs by Yifan Hu, AT&T Labs Visualization Group.