Matrix: Newman/adjnoun

Description: Common adjective and nouns in "David Copperfield"

Newman/adjnoun graph
(undirected graph drawing)


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  • Matrix group: Newman
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  • Click here for a list of all matrices
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  • download as a MATLAB mat-file, file size: 3 KB. Use UFget(2389) or UFget('Newman/adjnoun') in MATLAB.
  • download in Matrix Market format, file size: 2 KB.
  • download in Rutherford/Boeing format, file size: 2 KB.

    Matrix properties
    number of rows112
    number of columns112
    # strongly connected comp.1
    explicit zero entries0
    nonzero pattern symmetrysymmetric
    numeric value symmetrysymmetric
    Cholesky candidate?no
    positive definite?no

    authorM. Newman
    editorM. Newman
    kindundirected graph
    2D/3D problem?no

    Additional fieldssize and type
    nodenamefull 112-by-9
    nodevaluefull 112-by-1


    Network collection from M. Newman                                                                    
    The graph adjnoun contains the network of common adjective and noun        
    adjacencies for the novel "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens, as       
    described by M. Newman.  Nodes represent the most commonly occurring       
    adjectives and nouns in the book.  Node values are 0 for adjectives and 1  
    for nouns.  Edges connect any pair of words that occur in adjacent position
    in the text of the book.  Please cite M. E. J. Newman, Finding community   
    structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices, Preprint         
    physics/0605087 (2006).                                                    

    SVD-based statistics:
    null space dimension3
    full numerical rank?no
    singular value gap4.45295e+12

    singular values (MAT file):click here
    SVD method used:s = svd (full (A)) ;

    Newman/adjnoun svd

    For a description of the statistics displayed above, click here.

    Maintained by Tim Davis, last updated 12-Mar-2014.
    Matrix pictures by cspy, a MATLAB function in the CSparse package.
    Matrix graphs by Yifan Hu, AT&T Labs Visualization Group.