Matrix: AG-Monien/cage

Description: cage graph sequence

AG-Monien/cage graph
(undirected graph drawing)


  • Home page of the UF Sparse Matrix Collection
  • Matrix group: AG-Monien
  • Click here for a description of the AG-Monien group.
  • Click here for a list of all matrices
  • Click here for a list of all matrix groups
  • download as a MATLAB mat-file, file size: 55 KB. Use UFget(2436) or UFget('AG-Monien/cage') in MATLAB.
  • download in Matrix Market format, file size: 40 KB.
  • download in Rutherford/Boeing format, file size: 28 KB.

    Matrix properties
    number of rows366
    number of columns366
    # strongly connected comp.1
    explicit zero entries0
    nonzero pattern symmetrysymmetric
    numeric value symmetrysymmetric
    Cholesky candidate?no
    positive definite?no

    authorR. Diekmann, R. Preis
    editorR. Diekmann, R. Preis
    kindundirected graph sequence
    2D/3D problem?no

    Additional fieldssize and type
    Gcell 45-by-1
    Gnamecell 45-by-1


    AG-Monien Graph Collection, Ralf Diekmann and Robert Preis                
    A collection of test graphs from various sources.  Many of the graphs          
    include XY or XYZ coordinates.  This set also includes some graphs from        
    the Harwell-Boeing collection, the NASA matrices, and some random matrices     
    which are not included here in the AG-Monien/ group of the UF Collection.      
    In addition, two graphs already appear in other groups:                        
       AG-Monien/big : same as Nasa/barth5, Pothen/barth5 (not included here)      
       AG-Monien/cage_3_11 : same as Pajek/GD98_c (included here)                  
    The AG-Monien/GRID subset is not included.  It contains square grids that      
    are already well-represented in the UF Collection.                             
    Six of the problem sets are included as sequences, each sequence being         
    a single problem instance in the UF Collection:                                
       bfly:  10 butterfly graphs 3..12                                            
       cage:  45 cage graphs 3..12                                                 
       cca:   10 cube-connected cycle graphs, no wrap                              
       ccc:   10 cube-connected cycle graphs, with wrap                            
       debr:  18 De Bruijn graphs                                                  
       se:    13 shuffle-exchange graphs                                           
    Problem.aux.G{:} are the graphs in these 6 sequences.  Problem.aux.Gname{:}    
    are the original names of each graph, and Problemm.aux.Gcoord{:} are the       
    xy or xyz coordinates of each node, if present.                                
    Graphs in the cage sequence:                                                   
         1 : cage_3_5     :      10 nodes      15 edges      30 nonzeros           
         2 : cage_3_6     :      14 nodes      21 edges      42 nonzeros           
         3 : cage_3_7     :      24 nodes      36 edges      72 nonzeros           
         4 : cage_3_8     :      30 nodes      45 edges      90 nonzeros           
         5 : cage_3_9.1   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
         6 : cage_3_9.2   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
         7 : cage_3_9.3   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
         8 : cage_3_9.4   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
         9 : cage_3_9.5   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        10 : cage_3_9.6   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        11 : cage_3_9.7   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        12 : cage_3_9.8   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        13 : cage_3_9.9   :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        14 : cage_3_9.10  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        15 : cage_3_9.11  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        16 : cage_3_9.12  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        17 : cage_3_9.13  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        18 : cage_3_9.14  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        19 : cage_3_9.15  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        20 : cage_3_9.16  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        21 : cage_3_9.17  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        22 : cage_3_9.18  :      58 nodes      87 edges     174 nonzeros           
        23 : cage_3_10.1  :      70 nodes     105 edges     210 nonzeros           
        24 : cage_3_10.2  :      70 nodes     105 edges     210 nonzeros           
        25 : cage_3_10.3  :      70 nodes     105 edges     210 nonzeros           
        26 : cage_3_11    :     112 nodes     168 edges     336 nonzeros           
        27 : cage_3_12    :     126 nodes     189 edges     378 nonzeros           
        28 : cage_3_13    :     272 nodes     408 edges     816 nonzeros           
        29 : cage_3_14    :     406 nodes     609 edges    1218 nonzeros           
        30 : cage_3_15    :     620 nodes     930 edges    1860 nonzeros           
        31 : cage_4_5     :      19 nodes      38 edges      76 nonzeros           
        32 : cage_4_6     :      26 nodes      52 edges     104 nonzeros           
        33 : cage_4_7     :      76 nodes     152 edges     304 nonzeros           
        34 : cage_4_8     :      80 nodes     160 edges     320 nonzeros           
        35 : cage_5_5     :      30 nodes      75 edges     150 nonzeros           
        36 : cage_5_6     :      42 nodes     105 edges     210 nonzeros           
        37 : cage_6_6     :      62 nodes     186 edges     372 nonzeros           
        38 : cage_7_5     :      50 nodes     175 edges     350 nonzeros           
        39 : cage_8_5     :      94 nodes     376 edges     752 nonzeros           
        40 : cage_8_6     :     114 nodes     456 edges     912 nonzeros           
        41 : cage_9_5     :     118 nodes     531 edges    1062 nonzeros           
        42 : cage_9_6     :     146 nodes     657 edges    1314 nonzeros           
        43 : cage_10_6    :     182 nodes     910 edges    1820 nonzeros           
        44 : cage_12_6    :     266 nodes    1596 edges    3192 nonzeros           
        45 : cage_14_6    :     366 nodes    2562 edges    5124 nonzeros           
    The primary graph (Problem.A) in this sequence is the last graph               
    in the sequence.                                                               

    SVD-based statistics:
    null space dimension0
    full numerical rank?yes

    singular values (MAT file):click here
    SVD method used:s = svd (full (A)) ;

    AG-Monien/cage svd

    For a description of the statistics displayed above, click here.

    Maintained by Tim Davis, last updated 12-Mar-2014.
    Matrix pictures by cspy, a MATLAB function in the CSparse package.
    Matrix graphs by Yifan Hu, AT&T Labs Visualization Group.