MMBIA 2008: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on
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Friday, June 27th (Day 1) 8:00am – 8:15am Opening Remarks 8:15am
– 9:30am Oral Session 1: REGISTRATION AND TRACKING 1. ”Asymmetric and Symmetric Unbiased Image Registration: Statistical Assessment of Performance” Igor Yanovsky, Paul Thompson, Stanley Osher, Alex Leow 2. “Revisiting Overlap Invariance in Medical Image Alignment”, Nathan Cahill, Julia Schnabel, J. Alison Noble, David Hawkes 3. “A Stable Optic-Flow Based Method for Tracking Colonoscopy Images”, Jianfei Liu, Kalpathi Subramanian, Terry Yoo, Robert Van Uitert
9:30am-9:50am Coffee Break
9:50am-10:50am Invited Talk: Professor Jerry Prince “A Unified Framework for Motion and Strain Imaging in MRI”
Oral Session 2: DIFFUSION TENSOR MRI 1. “Multi-Fiber Reconstruction from DW-MRI using a Continuous Mixture of von Mises-Fisher Distributions”, Ritwik Kumar, Angelos Barpoutis, Baba Vemuri, Paul Carney, Thomas Mareci 2. “Multivariate Analysis of Thalamo-Cortical Connectivity Loss in TBI”, Jeffery Duda, Brian Avants, Junghoon Kim, Hui Zhang, Sunil Patel, James Gee, John Whyte 3. “Robust Regularization for the Estimation of Intra-Voxel Axon Fiber Orientations”, Alonso Ramirez, Hui Zhang, Mariano Rivera, James Gee
12:05pm-1:05pm Lunch
1:05pm -3:05pm Poster Session 1:
1. “Geometric Modeling of Tubular Structure”, Huseyin Tek 2. “Neighbor-Constrained Active Contours Without Edges”, Huafeng Liu 3. “Statistical Shape Modelling: How Many Modes Should be Retained?”, Lin Mei, Michael Figl, Daniel Rueckert, Ara Darzi, Philip Edwards
4. “Sticky Vector Fields and Other Geometric Measures on Diffusion Tensor Images”, Laura Astola, Luc Florack 5. “Classification Trees for Fast Segmentation of DTI Brain Fiber Tracts”, Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Arnaldo Mayer, Hayit Greenspan 6. “Localized Statistics for DW-MRI Fiber Bundle Segmentation”, Shawn Lankton, John Melonakos, James Malcolm, Samuel Dambreville, Allen Tannenbaum 7. “Dealing with Uncertainty in the Principal Directions of Tensors”, Maxime Boucher, Alan Evans 8.
“Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter
intra-voxel fiber crossings: assessed by fMRI”, 9. “A Ray Tracing Method for Geodesic Based Tractography in Diffusion Tensor Images”, Neda Sepasian, Anna Vilanova, Luc Florack, Bart Romeney 10. “Modeling of Anatomical Information in Clustering of White Matter Fiber Trajectories Using Dirichlet Distribution”, Mahnaz Maddah, Lilla Zollei, W.Eric Grimson, William Wells
11. “A Statistical Framework for the Registration of 3D Knee Implant Components to Single-Plane X-Ray Images”, Jeroen Hermans, Johan Bellemans, Frederik Maes, Paul Suetens 12. “Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeomorphisms: performance evaluation”, Matias Bossa, Ernesto Zacur, Salvador Olmos 13. “Learning-based Deformation Estimation for Fast Non-rigid Registration”, Min-Jeong Kim, Myoung-Hee Kim, Dinggang Shen
-5:10pm Oral Session 3: MULTIMODAL ANLYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 1. “Integrated Segmentation and Motion Analysis of Cardiac MR Images Using a Subject-Specific Dynamical Model”, Yun Zhu, Xenophon Papademetris, Albert Sinusas, James Duncan 2. “Exploiting Spatio-temporal Information for View Recognition in Cardiac Echo Videos”, David Beymer, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Fei Wang 3. “Learning-based Analysis of Emotional Impairments in Schizophrenia”, Peng Wang, Christian Kohler, Elzabeth Martin, Neal Stolar, Ragini Verma 4. “Circular Generalized Cylinder Fitting for 3D Reconstruction in Endoscopic Imaging Based on MRF”, Jin Zhou, Ananya Das, Feng Li, Baoxin Li 5. “Multivariate Nonlinear Mixed Model to Analyze Longitudinal Image Data: MRI Study of Early Brain Development”, Shun Xu, Martin Styner, John Gilmore, Guido Gerig
Saturday, June 28th (Day 2) 8:30am
– 10:10am Oral Session 4: SHAPE ANALYSIS AND IMAGE SEGMENTATION 1. “Variational Shape Detection in Microscope Images Based on Joint Shape and Image Feature Statistics”, Matthias Fuchs, Samuel Gerber 2. “A Multiple Geometric Deformable Model Framework for Homeomorphic 3D Medical Image Segmentation”, Xian Fan, Pierre-Louis Bazin, John Bogovic, Ying Bai, Jerry Prince 3. “Image Segmentation Using an Efficient Rotationally Invariant 3D Region-Based Hidden Markov Model”, Albert Huang, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Roger Tam 4. “Principal Curves to Extract Vessels in 3D Angiograms”, Wilbur C. K. Wong, Albert Chung
10:10am-10:30am Coffee Break
Oral Session 5: SHAPE ANALYSIS AND IMAGE SEGMENTATION 1. “Quantifying Cortical Surface Asymmetry via Logistic Discriminant Analysis”, Moo Chung 2. “Rotational-Flows for Interpolation Between, Sampled Surfaces”, Joshua Levy, Mark Foskey, Stephen Pizer 3. “Anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami Eigenmaps: Bridging Reeb Graphs and Skeletons”, Yonggang Shi, Rongjie Lai, Sheila Krishna, Nancy Sicotte, Ivo Dinov, Arthur Toga 4. “A Coarse-to-fine Shape Prior for Probabilistic Segmentations Using A Deformable M-rep”, Xiaoxiao Liu, Ja-yeon Jeong, Joshua Levy, Rohit Saboo, Edward Chaney, Stephen Pizer
12:10pm-1:10pm Lunch
1:10pm -3:10pm Poster Session 2:
1. “Stratified Regularity Measures with Jensen-Shannon Divergence”, Kazunori Okada, Senthil Periaswamy, Jinbo Bi 2. “IVUS Tissue Characterization with Sub-class Error-Correcting Output Codes”, Sergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, Josepa Mauri, Petia Radeva 3. “Regional Image Similarity Criteria Based on the Kozachenko-Leonenko Entropy Estimator”, Juan Garcia-Arteaga, Jan Kybic 4. “Full Orientation Invariance and Improved Feature Selectivity of 3D SIFT with Application to Medical Image Analysis”, Stephane Allaire, John Kim, Stephen Breen, David Jaffray, Vladimir Pekar, 5. “Manifold Learning for 4D CT Reconstruction of the Lung”, Manfred Georg, Richard Souvenir, Andrew Hope, Robert Pless
6. “A New CAD System for the Evaluation of Renal Rejection Using DCE-MRI“, Hossam Abdelmunim, Aly Farag 7. “Automated Characterization of Bacteria in Confocal Microscope Images”, Felida Roa, Antonio Bravo, Alexis Valery 8. “On non-linear characterization of tissue abnormality by constructing disease manifolds”, Ragini Verma, Nematollah Batmanghelich 9. “Estimation of Acoustic Impedance from Multiple Ultrasound Images with Application to Spatial Compounding”, Christian Wachinger, Ramtin Shams, Nassir Navab 10.
“CTREC: C-arm Tracking and Reconstruction using Elliptic Curves”,
Gouthami Chintalapani, Ameet Jain, David Burkhardt, Jerry Prince,
Gabor Fichtinger
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