Data Structures, Algorithms, & Applications in C++, 2nd Ed.

Positive line numbers are from the top of a page, negative numbers are from the page bottom.
  • Page 15, Program 1.10, line 9. x[i] - new int [numberOfColumns] should be x[i] = new T [numberOfColumns]
  • Page 20, line 5. away should be way.
  • Page 34, Program 1.26. char * -> string.
  • Page 40, Program 1.32. The loop index i should be delared in the loop control statement as in for (int i = k; ...) rather than outside the if statement.
  • Page 45, program 1.35. Remove int k form parameter list, k:m should be 0:m; remove comment // Assume k <= m.
  • Page 51, line 17. conditional -> condition
  • Page 51, lines 18-20. three conditionals -> two conditions; remove a == 0; remove the rrequirement for test data for which a == 0.0 and a != 0.0.
  • Page 51, Example 1.19, line 2. a[0:n] should be a[0:n-1].
  • Page 58, line -2. "arrays and class" --> "dynamically allocated arrays and dynamically allocated class"
  • Page 67, Example 2.8. x^n should be x^i.
  • Page 94, Ex 34. ``element reference moves'' --> ``element moves''.
  • Page 95, line -1 and page 116, Example 3.24. binary_Search -> binary_search.
  • Page 145, last paragraph. O(n) = O(n) should be O(n).
  • Page 152, Program 5.8, function output(), cout -> out.
  • Page 156, Program 5.11, operator->(), delete &*.
  • Page 159, Exercise 25(a). O(size) should be O(listSize).
  • Page 176, copy constructor. This should begin by checking for copy to itself (this is the same as theList); if so return; otherwise, delete all nodes in this. Then proceed with the actual copying. As a result of this change, the complexity becomes O(max{listSize, theList.listSize})
  • Page 180, line -3, he -> the
  • Page 192, line -11,
  • Page 199, Program 6.14 and Page 200, Program 6.16, studentRecord x should be const studentRecord&.
  • Page 200, Program 6.16, The return statement for != should be return (score != x.score).
  • Page 200, lines -4 & -3, delete the sentence Now the first for loop takes Theta(1) time.
  • Page 200, line -2, delete remaining; change second to first.
  • Page 200, line -1, change third to second.
  • Page 202, line 7, (first -> (second; lines 8 and 11, second -> third; line 12, first -> second.
  • Page 202, line 13, delete or error.
  • Page 206, line -18, smallest -> shortest.
  • Page 208, Figure 6.13, Step 3, x != rx -> p != rx.
  • Page 218 Ex 67(c), Ex 69, and Page 219, Ex 70, Java -> C++.
  • Pages 322-327, Figures 9.2-9.7. theBack and theFront should be queueFront and queueBack, respectively.
  • Page 328, Program 9.3. Insert: delete [] queue; just before the last line: queue = neqQueue
  • Page 386, lines --9 and -7, 16 should be 8.
  • Page 392, Theorem 10.1. 1/alpha should be 1/p.
  • Page 444, line -9. (w) -> (s)
  • Page 724, Program 18.3. Add delete [] b to end of program.