CIS 4362: Cryptology

R. E. Newman, University of Florida

Presentations and Projects

Each student must submit a term project and do at least one presentation.


Presentation Schedule (Subject to Change)


Each student or small team will propose and complete a project for this class.

The draft project proposal is 1-2 pages describing the topic of interest, what you propose to do, and the resources you will use. These should include reference books, papers, and URLs in standard reference format.

After review of these, a revised and more detailed proposal is to be submitted. Dates for Project Milestones This will include an outline (if a paper) or an architecture (if software).

Draft projects are then due at the end of February. Each student will review two other projects and provide feedback to the student(s) and the instructor on the projects reviewed. The project team will use this information to improve the project before submitting the final version in late April.

Important Project Dates

This document is copyright 2015 by Richard E. Newman.
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