COT6315 Formal Languages and Theory of Computation

R. E. Newman-Wolfe, University of Florida

Last modified 2/21/95.

Theorem 9.1: CFLs are closed under concatenation, union, Kleene closure

For any L_1, L_2 in CFL, L_1.L_2 is in CFL, L_1 U L_2 is in CFL, and L_1* is in CFL.


If L_1 and L_2 are in CFL, then there are CFGs G_1 = and G_2 = such that L_1 = L(G_1) and L_2 = L(G_2). Without loss of generality, let V1 ^ V2 = 0 and let T = T1 U T2. We now construct grammars for the desired languages. (The dot '.' will be used for concatenation for clarity.)


Let G = , where

To show L(G) = L_1.L_2,

(L1 U L2)

Let G = , where

To show L(G) = L_1 U L_2,


Let G = , where

To show L(G) = L_1*,
This document is copyright 1995 by Richard E. Newman-Wolfe.
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