Overview There will be exactly 4 projects. Each project will be based on the previous project(s), except the first one. These projects are primarily designed to help you to strengthen your concurrent and network programming skills as well as to give you a chance to practice software development as a team. Each project will introduce you new concepts in concurrent and network programming. In the last project, you will develop a real application that requires the most effort and the skills that you have acquired from earlier projects. General Instructions
Your project report title page should have the following on it:
Every report should include these sections:
There is a directory called "/cise/class/cop5615/Fall99/submissions/" that
should be accessible from any CISE machines (Solaris, IRIX and so on).
You might even be able to access it from Windows NT machines in E309.
Under this directory, each one of you will have your own,
private directory to be used only for project submissions.
Only you, the owner of this
private directory, Dr.Nemo and the TAs will be able to access it.
The name of your project submission directory will be your CISE login
name plus your last name in the form your_CISE_login_name + "-" + your_last_name.For example, "/cise/class/cop5615/Fall99/submissions/nemo-newman" if your login name is "nemo" and your lastname is "Newman". Please do *not* develop your project in that directory or use it for any purposes other than the project submissions. If you do, we will not have enough space for the entire class; if, by any chances, your violation of this policy prevents some other student from being able to submit his/her project before the due date, you will be penalized for causing this inconvenience to your friends. Please be very considerate to your friends. Note that you may, and are encouraged to, use this private directory to store your most recent version of the project. This way, if you forget to submit your project before the deadline, you will have the latest version submitted automatically. As long as the deadline is not passed, you will have access (reading/writing) to that directory. You can make any necessary changes that you want. Once the deadline is passed, the directory will not be accessible (reading/writing) for a brief period. This will allow us to collect all submitted projects. You will be able to access your directory to submit your late project once we have collected all projects from the project submission directory. Development Tools
All projects will be developed in Java. The version of Java that we will use is JDK 1.2.2 (on Windows 95/98/NT or Solaris). The current Linux port (JDK 1.2 pre 2) is still buggy especially the network part. We recommend that you use either Windows or Solaris for the time being. Resources
If you have anything to share about projects and Java programming in general, please feel free to submit it to COP 5615 TAs. We'll post it right here in this section. |