All exams will be held in NEB-102 (the same room in which class is held).
All exams will be closed book, closed notes, open crib sheet (one
Exam 1: Ch. 1-4, 9.1-3, 10, 12.2, notes; Oct. 21, 1999.
Exam 2: TBA
Recent Exams
Exam Format
In each exam, you will be given an examination paper with a cover sheet
including the instructions, a place to print your name (last, first),
and a place to sign the obligatory honor statement.
You are responsible for bringing the following to the exam:
- paper
- calculator (if you like), and
- pencil or pen, eraser
The following are typical exam instructions.
- Do not start the examination until instructed to do so.
- Read all these instructions; failure to follow instructions will
result in loss of points.
- This test is closed book, closed notes, but you are permitted one
8.5" by 11" crib sheet (two sides).
- Answer any three questions below.
- Show your work.
- Start the answer to each question on a new page (i.e., do NOT
put the answer to more than one question on the same page).
- Assemble your answers in numerical order of the questions when you
submit them.
- Leave a 1" square in the upper left corner for a staple.
- Be sure to include your name on your answer sheets.
- You have 120 minutes to complete this examination.
- Read and sign the academic honesty statement. You may write this on
your exam and sign it there if you wish to take the exam questions
home with you today. Do not discuss this exam with anyone in this
course who has not yet taken this exam.
Pre-exam Strategies
- Read the material before attending the lecture.
- Take notes, note questions while reading, reviewing.
- Ask your classmates, friends, the TA(s), the instructor about any
questions, issues, etc. that are not resolved with a second
or third reading or in class.
- Produce a set of questions you might ask if you were making the test.
- Trade your question set with those of your friends, and try to answer
their question sets as though they were the examination. Review
your answers with your friends, and if you disagree after
see the TA(s) or the instructor.
- After you feel confident that you know the material well, print and
take (with a timer) an old exam or two from the class. Compare
your answers with those of your friends, and if you have
ask the TA(s) or the instructor.
Exam Strategies
- Read the instructions and all the questions first.
- Sketch answers to each question you intend to answer - you may be
able to get partial credit for the question if you run out of
- Start each question's answer sketch on a new page.
- Be sure you are answering the question asked, and all parts of the
- Reserve some time to check your answers and fill in detail.