Homework Assignments

  • Homework 1: Due 9/7/99
    Chapter 2, questions 1,4,8,9,10,12

  • Homework 2: Due 9/21/99
    Chapter 3, questions 2,3,7,11(less part 2),17,18

  • Homework 3: Due 9/28/99
    Chapter 4, questions 2,7,11,13,20,23,25

  • Homework 4: Due 10/21/99
    Find the problems in the sample reader-writer solution.

  • Homework 5: Due 11/2/99
    Chapter 5, questions 2,4,9,10,12,16

  • Homework 6: Due 11/30/99
    Chapter 6, questions 7,9,14
    Chapter 7, questions 1,5,7,10

Homework Grades

View your homework grades.


Homeworks will only be accepted from teams. Your homework papers should have on them:

  • the class prefix and number,
  • the date,
  • the assignment number,
  • the problem numbers,
  • the printed names of each team member, and
  • the signature of each team member beside their name,
  • an indication of which members played the special roles below.
Team roles include recorder and checker, with each team member required to rotate through the roles (i.e., no member should fill role X i+1 times until every team member has filled role X at least i times). Your papers should be neatly written or typed. This is the responsibility of the recorder. The checker is responsible for checking the completeness and correctness of the answers and conformance to format. Illegible writing will incur penalties at the discretion of the TA.

Late Submissions

Homeworks will be collected at the start of the class in which they are due. Late homeworks will be disounted 10% per day for up to five days or when the homework is reviewed in class, whichever comes first. Repeated abuse of this grace period by a team will result in it being withdrawn from that team.