R. E. Newman, University of Florida
List of Projects
- Project #1: Basic Client-Server
DUE 11:00 pm January 28, 2014.
- Project #1b: Scala version of Project 1 (bonus)
DUE 11:00 pm February 10, 2014.
- Project #2: Multi-threaded Client-Server
DUE 11:00 pm February 19, 2014.
Project #2b: Scala version of Project 2 (bonus)
General Information
There will be a two projects based on sockets programming and multithreading,
and two more projects based on Scala.
You may either do these projects on your own or as a pair.
If done as a pair, you must list each member and document the contribution
of each member; both members must be able to fully explain the operation of
the system they develop.
These projects are primarily designed to help you to strengthen your
concurrent and network programming skills as well as to give you a chance
to practice software development as a team.
Each project will introduce you new concepts in concurrent and network
General Instructions
Your project report title page should have
- the class prefix and number
- the date
- your printed name(s)
- your signature(s)
- the assignment number
- the due date
on it.
Every report should include the following sections
- project description - what it is you are doing
- theory - what is supposed to be going on
- materials and methods - describe what you used to do the project
(including software and hardware, code you wrote, etc.)
- experiment documentation - state exactly what you did and when
(details sufficient that you or anyone else could exactly
reproduce the experiment and get the same results, in so much
as that is possible). This should include any testing with
documentation of test cases.
- observations and results - if an experiment, what did you see?
- discussion - interpret and explain your observations and relate
to theory
Project Submission
Projects are to be submitted using Sakai as a tar file.
- Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java, 1/e, Prentice Hall, 1998, 1152 pp.,
ISBN 0-13-659723-8, $39.95
The Java Turtorial (Sun) -
You will find a good tutorial on Java here.
- Gamelan -
Lots of Java related stuff.
- alphaWorks (IBM) -
Lots of cool programming stuff (Java, C/C++, Smalltalk).
If you have questions, answers, or anything to share about projects,
Java, C, C++, sockets, or Scala programming in general,
please post it on an appropriate discussion topic on Sakai.