R. E. Newman-Wolfe, University of Florida
Last modified 1/30/95.
Framing and Synchronization
Here we will consider aspects of tranferring units of data
larger than a single analog or digital encoding symbol (coding
was the topic of the
previous page
We will need to recover clock information for both the signal
(so we can recover the right number of symbols and recover each
symbol as accurately as possible), and obtain synchronization
for larger units of data (such as data words and frames).
It is necessary to recover the data in words or blocks because
this is the only way the receiver process will be able to
interpret the data received; for a given bit stream, depending on
the byte boundaries there will be seven or eight ways to interpret
the bit stream as ASCII characters, and these are likely to be
very different.
Synchronization - bits, words and frames
In order to receive bits in the first place, the receiver must be
able to determine how fast bits are being sent and when it has received
a signal symbol (usually one bit, but with m-ary signaling, it may
be several bits, lg(m) in fact).
Further, the receiver needs to be able to determine what the relationship
of the bits in the received stream have to one another, that is, what
the logical units of transfer are, and where each received bit fits
into the logical units.
We call these logical units frames.
This means that in addition to bit (or transmission symbol) synchronization,
the receiver needs word and frame synchronization.
- Data Rate Measures
- We will be considering various measures of data rate
throughout. The raw data rate (the number of bits
that the transmitter can per second without formatting)
is only the starting point. There may be overhead for
synchronization, for framing, for error checking, for
headers and trailers, for retransmissions, etc.
- Utilization may mean more than one thing. When dealing with
network monitoring and management, it refers to the fraction
of the resource actually used (for useful data and for
overhead, retransmissions, etc.). In this context,
utilization refers to the fraction of the channel that is
available for actual data transmission to the next higher
layer. It is the ratio of data bits per protocol data unit
(PDU) to the total size of the PDU, including synchronization,
headers, etc. Equivalently, it is the ratio of the time
spent actually sending useful data to the time it takes to
transfer that data and its attendant overhead.
- The effective data rate at a layer is the net data rate
available to the next higher layer. Generally this is
the utilization times the raw data rate.
- Bit synchronization
- Asynchronous communication (word-oriented)
- In asynchronous communication, small, fixed-length words
(usually 5 to 9 bits long) are transferred without any
clock line or clock recovery from the signal itself.
Each word has a start bit (a 0) before the first data bit
of the word and a stop bit (a 1) after the last data bit
of the word. The receiver's local clock is started when
the receiver detects the 1-0 transition of the start bit,
and the line is sampled in the center of the fixed bit
intervals (a bit interval is the inverse of the data rate).
The sender output the bit at the agreed-upon rate, holding
the line in the appropriate state for one bit interval for
each bit, but using its own local clock to determine the
length of these bit intervals. The receiver's clock and
the sender's clock may not run at the same speed, so that
there is a relative clock drift (this may be caused by
variations in the crystals used, temperature, voltage, etc.).
If the receiver's clock drifts too much relative to the
sender's clock, then the bits may be sampled while the line
is in transition from one state to another, causing the
receiver to misinterpret the received data. Data must
be sent in multiples of the data length of the word,
and the two or more bits of synchronization overhead compared
to the relatively short data length causes the effective
data rate to be rather low.
- Synchronous communication (bit-oriented)
- Timing is recovered from the signal itself (by the carrier
if the signal is analog, or by regular transitions in the
data signal or by a separate clock line if the signal is
digital). Scrambling is often used to insure frequent
transitions needed. The data transmitted may be of any
bit length, but is often constrained by the frame transfer
protocol (datalink or MAC protocol).
- Frame synchronization
- Character-oriented
- Character-oriented framing assumes that character synchronization
has already been achieved by the hardware. The sender uses
special characters to indicate the start and end of frames,
and may also use them to indicate header boundaries and to
assist the receiver gain character synchronization. Frames
must be of an integral character length. Data transparency
must be preserved by use of character stuffing (see below).
Most commonly, a DLE (datalink escape) character is used to
signal that the next character is a control character, with
DLE SOH (start of header) used to indicate the start of the
frame (it starts with a header), DLE STX (start of text) used
to indicate the end of the header and start of the data
portion, and DLE ETX (end of text) used to indicate the end
of the frame.
- Bit-oriented
- Bit-oriented framing only assumes that bit synchronization has
been achieved by the underlying hardware, and the incoming
bit stream is scanned at all possible bit positions for
special patterns generated by the sender. The sender uses
a special pattern (a flag pattern) to delimit frames (one
flag at each end), and has to provide for data transparency
by use of bit stuffing (see below). A commonly used flag
pattern is HDLC's 01111110 flag.
- Data Transparency - Stuffing
- Character stuffing
- When a DLE character occurs in the header or the data portion
of a frame, the sender must somehow let the receiver know
that it is not intended to signal a control character.
The sender does this by inserting an extra DLE character
after the one occuring inside the frame, so that when the
receiver sees two DLEs in a row, it knows to delete one and
interpret the other as header or data. This is similar to
the practice in FORTRAN of doubling the double quotes if one
appears in a string. Note that since the receiver has
character synchronization, it will not mistake a DLE pattern
that crosses a byte boundary as a DLE signal.
- Bit stuffing
- If the flag pattern appears anywhere in the header or data of
a frame, then the receiver may prematurely detect the start
or end of the received frame. To combat this, the sender
makes sure that the frame body it sends has no flags in it
at any position (note that since there is no character
synchronization, the flag pattern can start at any bit
location within the stream). It does this by bit-stuffing,
inserting an extra bit in any pattern that is beginning to
look like a flag. In HDLC, whenever 5 consecutive 1'a are
encountered in the data, a 0 is inserted after the 5th 1,
regardless of the next bit in the data. On the receiving
end, the bit stream is piped through a shift register as
the receiver looks for the flag pattern. If 5 consecutive
1's followed by a 0 is seen, then the 0 is dropped before
sending the data on (the receiver destuffs the stream).
If 6 1's and a 0 is seen, it is a flag and either the
current frame is ended or a new frame is started, depending
on the current state of the receiver. If more than 6
consecutive 1's are seen, then the receiver has detected
an invalid pattern, and usually the current frame, if any,
is discarded.
In addition to receiving the data in logical units called frames,
the receiver should have some way of determining if the data has
been corrupted or not.
If it has been corrupted, it is desirable not only to realize that,
but to make an attempt to obtain the correct data.
This process is called error correction, and is the subject of the
next page.
This document is
copyright 1995
by Richard E. Newman-Wolfe.
Send comments to nemo@cis.ufl.edu