CEN 4500C Fundamentals of Computer Communication Networks

R. E. Newman-Wolfe, University of Florida

Last modified 1/30/95.

Framing and Synchronization

Here we will consider aspects of tranferring units of data larger than a single analog or digital encoding symbol (coding was the topic of the previous page . We will need to recover clock information for both the signal (so we can recover the right number of symbols and recover each symbol as accurately as possible), and obtain synchronization for larger units of data (such as data words and frames). It is necessary to recover the data in words or blocks because this is the only way the receiver process will be able to interpret the data received; for a given bit stream, depending on the byte boundaries there will be seven or eight ways to interpret the bit stream as ASCII characters, and these are likely to be very different.

Synchronization - bits, words and frames

In order to receive bits in the first place, the receiver must be able to determine how fast bits are being sent and when it has received a signal symbol (usually one bit, but with m-ary signaling, it may be several bits, lg(m) in fact). Further, the receiver needs to be able to determine what the relationship of the bits in the received stream have to one another, that is, what the logical units of transfer are, and where each received bit fits into the logical units. We call these logical units frames. This means that in addition to bit (or transmission symbol) synchronization, the receiver needs word and frame synchronization.

In addition to receiving the data in logical units called frames, the receiver should have some way of determining if the data has been corrupted or not. If it has been corrupted, it is desirable not only to realize that, but to make an attempt to obtain the correct data. This process is called error correction, and is the subject of the next page.

This document is copyright 1995 by Richard E. Newman-Wolfe.
Send comments to nemo@cis.ufl.edu