COP 3610 -- Survey of Operating Systems
Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering Department
University of Florida, Spring 2001
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Mark Schmalz
OFFICE: CSE/E446, 352-392-6831
OFFICE HOURS: 1pm-3pm Tue and 2pm-4pm Thu, unless otherwise noted, or by appointment
CLASS PERIODS: Tues 5th period (11:45AM-12:35PM)
PREREQUISITES: Familiarity with computers
OFFICE HOURS: Tue 8th Period (3:00-3:50pm), Wed 9th Period (4:05-4:55pm)
DESCRIPTION: This introductory course emphasizes essential computer concepts and software use for basic applications of operating systems. This is not a course in advanced operating system design or development.
The course will begin with an introduction to computer organization and an extensive overview of operating systems. The majority of the course will concentrate on the use of the UNIX operating system.
Week 1 - Overview of computer hardware/software Weeks 2-4 - Overview of operating systems of historical interest Week 4-5 - How to use UNIX documentation, file, directory, and editing commands Weeks 6-8 - UNIX editors, compilers, and linkers Weeks 9-13 - Mid-level commands, loops, libraries Weeks 14-16 - Advanced Features, including communication utilities
UNIX for Programmers & Users A Complete Guide, by Graham Glass (Second Edition)
Paramus: Prentice-Hall (2000). ISBN: 0136816851OTHER MATERIAL: You will need a CISE computer account. Apply for this at CSE/E114 if you don't already have one.
EXERCISES are assignments done outside of class in one of the CIRCA labs or on your home computer. These can be group or individual-study projects, and are designed to help you gain experience in UNIX, as well as to prepare you for the exams. Exercises are not to be handed in, and are not graded, but can be discussed with the TA to aid understanding.
MIDTERMS will be given in class and are closed book and closed notes format. However, ONE 8.5'' X 11'' double-sided page of paper containing your ORIGINAL notes may be used during any exam. The exams will be short (approximately 45 minutes in length) and will be announced at least one week in advance. Make-Up Exams must have an official excuse, as described below. The midterms are equally weighted at 30 percent of grade each.
FINAL EXAM: There will be one final examination during finals week at an announced time, which will count 40 percent of grade and will be cumulative. Make-up is subject to the constraints imposed on midterms, but will have tighter time constraints due to grade submission deadlines imposed by the Registrar's Office.
RETURN POLICY: Every attempt will be made to return graded exams as soon as possible. When they are graded and recorded, they will be turned back during class. After that, any work not picked up in class will be placed in a box on the fourth floor of the CSE building, on a PUBLIC bookshelf or table designated for that purpose.
EXCUSES: Absence from examinations can be made up only when documented, unavoidable conflicts are REPORTED IN ADVANCE AND ALLOWED BY THE INSTRUCTOR. Only DOCUMENTED emergency medical, legal, or law enforcement excuses can be accepted after an exam is given in class.
EVALUATION: Midterms (2): 60% -- Final Exam: 40%
GRADING: Standard with NO CURVING OF ANY SCORES, as follows:
90 - 100 : A 85 - 89 : B+ 80 - 84 : B 75 - 79 : C+ 70 - 74 : C 65 - 69 : D+ 60 - 64 : D 0 - 59 : E
DISHONESTY: Under no circumstances will acts of academic dishonesty be tolerated. Any suspected incidents of dishonesty will be promptly referred to the Director for Student Judicial Affairs and the Student Honor Court. Refer to the pamphlet entitled Academic Honesty, Student Judicial Process, Guide for Students, from the Office for Student Services.
ACCOMODATIONS: Students with disabilities requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.