Step 1. Build a utility to intersect polygons in n maps given polygon boundary coordinates.
Step 2. Construct one or more procedures to compute the area of each polygon in the source maps and intersection map. You may use the trapezoidal rule, which we discussed in detail last semester.
Step 3. For each of the sensitivity measures given in Section 3, build one subroutine or function per each measure (m1 through m5). You will have to construct an additional procedure to perform attribute ranking. If you use an attribute such as soil density, this is a simple matter of sorting the numerical values of the attribute in ascending or descending order.
Step 4. Construct a main program that calls the sensitivity measures to perform both area-weighted and unweighted sensitivity analysis, per the methods discussed in class.
Step 5. Design, but do not necessarily construct, a procedure that perturbs the source map attribute rankings, as we discussed in class. We will consider this process in greater detail in mid-April, so you don't have to build a program now.
Hardcopy. The completed program, together with images of your source maps, should be printed on a laser printer. Staple your pages and print or laser-print your NAME, SSN, CIS6905, and "Proj-2" at the TOP RIGHT-HAND CORNER of PAGE 1, in BIG BLOCK LETTERS (so I will not mistake it for someone else's). Be sure to print clearly, so I will know whose program it is.
Items Due. Give the instructor your completed project hardcopy in class on Thursday 16 April 1998.