Step 1. Produce a program that implements Yeshurun and Schwartz' cepstral-based coregistration algorithm. Test the program on the following imagery:
Step 2. Apply the program to the preceding imagery, generating a disparity map for each neighborhood configuration chosen. Start with large neighborhoods (e.g., 32x32 pixels) and work downward to smaller neighborhoods (e.g., 32x32, 16x16, 8x8, 4x4) to see the limitations of the technique.
Step 3. Apply the program to the preceding imagery, generating a histogram of the scalar disparity for each neighborhood configuration chosen. Recall that a histogram is a graph of frequency-of-occurrence. You start with about 50 bins in the histogram, but no fewer than 20 and no more than 200.
Step 4. Discuss the sampling error as a function of neighborhood size and histogram bin width. What conclusions can you reliably make about the difference between the noiseless and noisy Lena images? Explain mathematically why the GUI image may be hard to work with -- how many disparity peaks are present for different blocksize?
in C).
Hardcopy. The completed program together with its input and output should be printed on a laser printer. Staple your pages (programs + input + output) together with the pages on which you answer the questions in Step 4, above. Print or laser-print your NAME, SSN, CIS6905, and "Proj-1" at the TOP RIGHT-HAND CORNER of PAGE 1, in BIG BLOCK LETTERS (so I will not mistake it for someone else's). Be sure to print clearly, so I will know whose program it is.
Items Due. Give the instructor your completed project hardcopy in class on Monday 24 Nov 1997.