Computer science is based on discrete mathematics, a relatively new branch of mathematics. Discrete math emphasizes sets, and operations over sets that are (or can be expressed in terms of) a subset of the integers.
A key feature of modern computer science is the ability to specify the functionality of computer programs in terms of mathematical expressions. In order to exploit discrete mathematics, the computer science student needs to learn how to read, understand, and manipulate notation. In practice, such notation describes operands, operations, algorithms, and analysis techniques specific to computer related applications.
This section is organized as follows: High-level Software Design Goals include:
Class #01: Wednesday 06 Jan 1999
Expressions include the following components:
In each of the episodes of discovery and learning that we embark upon in this class, we will be emphasizing primarily manipulation of operations in support of the instance of formal logic called Boolean logic.
High-Level Representation. Boolean logic uses 0 to represent the value false and 1 to represent the value true.
Low-Level Representation. The Boolean numbers B = {0,1}.
Example. Suppose that today is Wednesday. Then,
(today = Thursday)
is false,
i.e., we write (today = Thursday) = 0
(today =
Wednesday) = 1
, given the preceding assumption.
Applications. Boolean logic is used throughout digital computing, including hardware and software design, logical analysis of languages, and design/analysis of algorithms.
High-Level Representation. Boolean logic has as its basic operations the unary operation of negation (denoted by not), and the binary operations of and, or, and xor. Note that xor is properly called exclusive-or, whereas the or operation is properly called inclusive-or.
Low-Level Representation. A unary operation on the Boolean numbers can be denoted by f1 : B -> B, whereas a binary Boolean operation can be denoted by f2 : B × B -> B. Boolean operations are defined in terms of truth tables, which describe the results obtained from various combinations of input values.
Examples. The following truth tables pertain to our discussion:
x x not(x) | 0 1 and(x,y) | 0 1 -------+------- ---------+------- | 1 0 0 | 0 0 y | 1 | 0 1 x x or(x,y) | 0 1 xor(x,y) | 0 1 ---------+------- ---------+------- 0 | 0 1 0 | 0 1 y | y | 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 0Applications. All digital computation can be performed in terms of the preceding Boolean operations. In fact, it has been shown that all digital computation can be performed in terms of the nand(x,y) = not(and(x,y)) operation! We will discuss this concept when we discuss Chapter 9 of the text (Rosen, Discrete Math and its Applications, 4th Ed.), which pertains to digital logic.
Class #02: Friday 08 Jan 1999 Propositions are important concepts in the formulation of precise, concise logical discourse (a collection of statements that are grounded in formal logic).
Background. Mathematical textbooks were often difficult to understand or interpret prior to the 19th century, due to the use of natural language (the vocabulary and grammar used in everyday speech). The presentations of concepts, ideas, theorems, etc. were often ambiguous and profuse instead of being precise and concise. To remedy this situation, many mathematicians (among them, George Boole) contributed to the development of symbolic logic (also called formal logic) to achieve precision and concision in mathematical statements.
Definition. A proposition is a statement that is either true or false, but not both.
Example 1. Hillary Clinton is President of the USA [false] .
Example 2. 1 + 1 = 2 [true] .
Example 3. If today is Wednesday, then it is raining [truth depends on the day] .
High-Level Representation. Given Boolean variables
x,y,z B
let z = P(x,y), where P(x,y) denotes a
Low-Level Representation. Propositions are comprised of (a) operations such as the Boolean logic functions and, or, and not, and operands that are constants, variables, predicates, or propositions which evaluate to a Boolean value (e.g., a zero or one).
Example 4. z = x or y, where x,y
Note. Propositions can be tested exhaustively with truth tables, and analytically with rules for manipulating logical statements (Section
Applications. Language translation has been a goal of the subdiscipline of computer science called Artificial Intelligence. In order to translate statements from one natural language (NL) into another, we need to first determine the structure of the source NL statement.
For example, the statement It is not the case that today is Tuesday and it is raining could be translated into logical form as:
not[(today = Tuesday) and (weather = rain)]
One of the problems of language translation is that humans cannot necessarily agree on what a sentence means. For example, Time flies like an arrow could mean that (a) time moves along in linear fashion, or (b) there are insects called time flies who are fond of arrows. What other meanings can you infer from the preceding sentence?
Due to the inherent ambiguities in NL translation, we will not spend much time on these applications, preferring to concentrate instead upon the understanding, manipulation, and verification of statements in logical form. Thus, we continue with the concept of logical implication. Logical Implications are represented by constructs such as the if...then... construct in the sentence If today is Tuesday, then it must be raining.
Concept. Western thought in particular, and human thought in general, makes much of the concept of causality. We tend to say things like if Princess Diana's car had not gone through the tunnel at 100mph, she might still be alive today. Here, we are implying that going through a particular tunnel at 100mph was the cause of the automobile crash where Princess Di met her end. Hence, such implication expresses conditional relationships that tend to be interpreted causally in the context of natural discourse. That is, if we write x -> y (read: x implies y or if x, then y), this could be correctly or incorrectly interpreted in terms of natural language as x causes y to occur.
Caution. In this class, we are studying formal logic, which is in the realm of formal discourse, not natural language. Thus, one should not try to relate the concepts of truth or falsity, condition or causality, to one's emotions, feelings about values or principles, or the passing scene of everyday life. This statement is not meant to discourage one from studying or contemplating such topics. However, for the purposes of this class we note that formal logic is a self-contained sub-discipline of mathematics that has its own rules for notation and manipulation. Thus, it behooves one to learn these rules and apply them in the context for which they are intended, namely, mathematics. This can be done without introducing concepts or values outside the realm of mathematics, which tend to induce ambiguity into logical discourse.
Representation. Let p and q denote propositions. The following implications are employed in logical discourse:
p p -> q | 0 1 ---------+------- 0 | 1 0 q | 1 | 1 1
p p <-> q | 0 1 ---------+------- 0 | 1 0 q | 1 | 0 1Note that this truth table has the same form as the truth table for the xnor = not(xor) function described in the preceding section.
Definition. Given x1, x2, ...,
xn B,
two propositions
p(x1,x2,...,xn) and
q(x1,x2,...,xn) are
said to be equivalent if and only if
they evaluate to the same Boolean values, which we
write mathematically as
p q <->
= q(x1,x2,...,xn) ,
x1, x2, ...,
B .
Example. The propositional equivalence p ->
not(p) or q is proven via a truth table,
as follows:
+---+---+--------+--------+--------------+ | p | q | not(p) | p -> q | not(p) or q | +---+---+--------+--------+--------------+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | +---+---+--------+--------+--------------+ Rules for Manipulating Logical Statements are the "bread and butter" of applications such as theorem proving. Recall that the number of entries (rows) in a truth table varies as 2n, where n denotes the number of logical variables. (In the preceding example, there were two variables, p and q.) Proof by exhaustion (using complete truth tables) can become prohibitively costly for large expressions involving many variables. We remedy this situation with rules for manipulating logical statements, which we outline as follows, and which are stated in the text (Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 4th Edition) in Table 5 (page 17).
Identity. In arithmetic with real numbers, x · 1 = x and x + 0 = x. In logic, the analogous statements are
p and 1 p,
and p or 0
p .
Domination. In arithmetic with real numbers, x · 0 = 0. The logical analogue is
p and 0 0 .
Idempotency. This property can be used to simplify and or or operations, i.e.,
p or p p
p and p p .
Double Negation. In arithmetic, -(-x) = x. In logic,
not(not(p)) p.
Commutativity. In arithmetic, addition and multiplication are commutative, i.e., x + y = y + x and x · y = y · x. In logic, we have analogous formulations:
p or q q or p
p and q q and p .
Associativity. In arithmetic, addition and multiplication are associative, i.e., (x + y)+ z = x + (y + z) and (x · y) · z = x · (y · z). In logic, we have the analogous formulations:
(p or q) or r p or (q or r)
(p and q) and r p and (q and r) .
Distributivity. In arithmetic, multiplication distributes over addition. In logic, we have a similar situation:
p and (q or r) (p and q) or (p and r)
p or (q and r) (p or q) and (p or r) .
DeMorgan's Laws. Manipulation of logical statements is greatly aided by DeMorgan's laws, which describe a property that resembles distributivity:
not(p or q) not(p) and not(q)
not(p and q) not(p) or not(q) .
Several other useful equivalences include:
Class #03: Monday 11 Jan 1999
In the preceding lecture, we discussed logical operations on propositions, called implications and equivalences. In this lecture, we will explore the concepts of relations, predicates and quantifiers. Relations and Predicates. Predicates are formed from relations, which associate two objects in a specific way.
Definition. An F-valued relation R on set S is denoted by the mapping R : S × S -> F. This means that R accepts two arguments, each of which is an element of a set S, and produces a result that is an element of set F.
Example. A computer implementation of the relation > : R × R -> B (1) accepts two real numbers x and y, (2) compares them, and (3) outputs true if x > y, or false otherwise.
Definition. A predicate P is a Boolean-valued relation on a set S, i.e., P : S × S -> B.
Example. In the preceding example, the predicate corresponding to the relation ">" would be written (x > y).
Example. Predicates can be used to construct propositions
such as (x < y) or (x = y), which can be condensed
to yield (x y). Quantifiers. Another important class of mathematical objects is called quantifiers, of which there are two instances, namely, the universal and existential quantifiers.
Background. The developers of the formal logic understood that some logical statements are valid over a large set of conditions, constraints, or inputs. Other statements are valid only for special, highly restricted cases. Additionally, there may be exceptions to certain statements. Quantifiers help express such situations.
Low-Level Representation. Two quantifiers will be employed, which are:
Observation. Just as there were equivalences among logical propositions, so there are equivalences among quantifiers, for example,
not(x) P(x)
(x) not(P(x))
not(x) P(x)
(x) not(P(x))
Class #04: Wednesday 13 Jan 1999
Example. The real numbers are a collection of numbers, each of which have a whole part followed by a decimal part (e.g., 123.4567...)
Background. Sets are the building blocks of higher-level formalisms that describe mappings and functions, from which computer-language procedures, functional constructs, and subroutines are derived.
Definition. Objects in a set are called members or elements of a set.
Observation. Note that we do not define a set in terms of some lower-level construct. For example, we do not say that a set is a collection of elements of arbitrary type. In that case, a set element could be the set itself. This leads to Cantor's paradox, which is based on the concept that a set should not contain itself. Hence, we simply accept the existence of something called a set that is a collection of elements. This is called an axiomatic concept, namely, an object that is assumed to exist and cannot be further defined without raising troublesome inconsistencies or circular definitions.
Exercise. What other axiomatic concepts can you think of? What inconsistencies do these axioms help circumvent?
Definition. Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements.
Example. Let set A = {1,2,3} and set B = {3,1,2}. Then A = B, since the A and B have the same elements.
Set-Builder Notation. We define sets in terms of the following type of expression:
set-name = { element-name : element-definition , constraint(s) }
which is called set-builder notation.Example. The integers modulo n are defined as:
Zn =
{ x :
n-1 ,
Z }
In certain cases, one or more of the constraints can be grouped with the element-name part of the definition, for example,
Zn =
{ x Z :
} ,
Zn =
{ 0
n-1 :
Z }
Concept. Although set-builder notation is useful mathematically, it is also useful to visualize sets and relationships between sets using a construct known as Venn diagrams.
High-Level Representation. A Venn diagram is comprised of the following elements:
Example. Figure 1.1 illustrates two Venn diagrams, one of disjoint sets A and B (having no elements in common), and another of conjoint sets A and B (having some but not all elements in common). The common elements of conjoint sets comprise the intersection of such sets.
Figure 1.1. Venn diagrams of sets (a) that have
no members in common, and (b) have some but not all
members in common, (c) that have all members of one
set (but not all members of the other) in common.
Given the preceding theoretical and visualization tools, we can now define some common set operations.
Definition. If x is an element (or member) of set S,
we write x S. If x is
not in S, we write x
Definition. The null set or empty set has no elements, and is denoted by ø.
Definition. A subset A of a set B has as its elements some (proper subset) or all (improper subset) of the elements of B. If A is a proper subset of B, then we have the mathematical expression of this definition as
<-> A = {x : x
B } .
Example. If B = {1,2,3}, then A = {1,2} is a subset of B, but C = {3,4} is not a subset of B, because B does not contain the element "4".
Definition. The power set of A, denoted by 2A, contains all possible subsets of A.
Example. If A = {a,b}, then 2A = {{a},{b},{a,b}, ø}. Note that the power set contains the empty or null set.
Definition. The cardinality of a set S is the number of elements in that set, denoted by |S|.
Example. If A = {a,g,d}, then |A| = 3.
Observation. If there are n elements in set A, then the power set of A contains 2n elements. That is, if n = |A|, then
|2A| = 2|A| = 2n .
Example. Note that 2ø = {ø}, and 2{ø} = {ø, {ø}}. Thus, |2ø| = 1 and |2{ø}| = 2.
Definition. The Cartesian product of two sets A and B is a set of ordered pairs, where the first element of each pair is an element of A, and the second element of each pair is an element of B. The Cartesian product of A and B is written as
A × B = {(x,y) : x
A and y
B } .
Example. If A = {1,2} and B = {a,b}, then A × B = {(1,a),(2,a),(1,b),(2,b)}.
Observation. The cardinality of the Cartesian product is the product of the cardinalities of the constituent sets, i.e.,
|A × B| = |A| · |B| .
Example. In the preceding example, |A| = |B| = 2, and |A × B| = |A| · |B| = 2(2) = 4.
Definition. The union of two sets A and B is given by
= {x : x
A or x
B } .
Definition. The intersection of two sets A and B is given by
= {x : x
A and x
B } .
Example. Let A = {1,2,3} and B = {2,3,4}. Observe that A
B = {1,2,3,4}, i.e.,
all elements in A or in B, while A
B = {2,3}, i.e., all elements
common to both A and B.
Definition. If A B = ø, then A and B are said to be
disjoint sets or disjunct sets. This
situation is illustrated in Figure 1.1(a). If A and B are
not disjoint, then they are conjoint or conjunct.
Concept. It is useful to be able to remove elements from sets. This operation is called set subtraction.
Definition. If A and B are conjoint sets, then set subtraction of B from A, denoted by A\B or A - B, is given by
A \ B = {x : x A and x
B} .
Example. If A = {1,2,3,4} and B = {3,4,5,6}, then A \ B = {1,2}, since 1 and 2 are in A and 1 and 2 are not in B.
Exercise. Note that |A \ B| = |A| - |A B|. Why is this so?
Definition. Given a universe of discourse U of which a set A is a subset, the complement of A with respect to U, denoted by A', is given by:
A' = U \ A .
Note that the complement may also be written with a horizontal bar over the set name. The Venn diagram for set complement is shown in Figure 1.2.
1.2. Venn diagrams for (a) set subtraction, and (b) set
Observation Set identities enable us to manipulate sets analogous to the manipulation of logic operations, as discussed in Section, above. Since the set identities are analogous to the logical identities, we do not reproduce them here, but refer the reader to Table 1 on page 49 of the text (Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 4th Edition).
Class #05: Friday 15 Jan 1999
Background. The type of assignment or association represented by a mapping is foundational to mathematics and computer science. For example, programming language constructs such as functions, procedures, and subroutines, can map a set of input parameters to one or more output data.
High-Level Representation. As shown in Figure 1.3, there are two considerations when dealing with a mapping, namely, (1) arity and (2) coverage. Each instance of a mapping can map m set elements to k set elements, where k and m denote integers greater than zero. Thus, we have mappings with 1-to-1 arity, m-to-1 arity, m-to-k arity (where m,k > 1), and 1-to-k arity, as shown in Figures 1.3a-c, respectively. We also have coverage that is called into or onto, as shown in Figures 1.3e and 1.3f, respectively. Note that a mapping has both arity and coverage, so a 1-to-1 and onto mapping is a valid mathematical object.
1.3. Mappings that are (a) 1-to-1, (b) m-to-1, (c) m-to-k,
(d) 1-to-k, (e) into, and (f) onto.
Low-Level Representation. A mapping M : A -> B is represented as the set
M = {(x,y) :
x A and
B }
Definition. An m-to-1 mapping M associates one or more than one element in domain(M) with each element in range(M).
Definition. A 1-to-1 mapping M associates each element of domain(M) with one and only one element in range(M).
Definition. An into mapping M : A -> B does not associate elements of A with all elements of B.
Definition. An onto mapping M : A -> B associates elements of A with all elements of B.
Example. The map M that associates each letter of the English alphabet with an integer that describes the position of that letter in its alphabet is written in set notation as M = {(a,1), (b,2),...,(z,26)}. This map is one-to-one and onto.
Definition. If f is a function from A to B (i.e., f : A -> B), then A is called the domain of f and B is called the co-domain of f .
Definition. A function is injective if it is a 1-to-1 mapping.
Definition. A function is surjective if it is an onto mapping.
Definition. A function is a bijection if it is a 1-to-1 and onto mapping.
Example. If A = {1,2,3}, B = {a,b,c}, and M : A -> B, then Composition of Functions. It is often useful to combine functions to produce other functions. Chaining functions (say, f and g) together (as in f(g(x)) ) is an important strategy in many types of computations, including signal and image processing. This strategy is described mathematically in terms of composition of functions.
f o g = {(x,y)
: y = g(f(x)), x A}
Example. Let f = {(1,a),(2,c),(3,b)} and g = {(a,#),(b,%),(c,@)}. Then, f o g = {(1,#),(2,@),(3,%)}.
Observation. In the preceding definition and example, the
functions f and g can be composed because
domain(g) = range(f). However,
the composition g o f is not
valid in this case, since domain(f)
range(g). This is illustrated in the
diagram of Figure 1.4, which illustrates functional
composition graphically.
Figure 1.4. Graphical illustration of composition of
functions f : A -> B and g : B -> C , showing
(a) valid composition f o g and
(b) invalid composition g o f.
Remark. Composition of functions has numerous applications, for example, in the formulation of polynomials, as shown in the following definition.
Definition. If f,g : A -> R, then f + g and f · g are also functions from A to R, which are given by
(f + g)(x) =
f(x) + g(x) , and
(f · g)(x) =
f(x) · g(x) , x
A .
Example. Let f(x) = x2 and g(x) = x3. Then,
(f + g)(x) =
x2 + x3 , and
(f · g)(x) =
x2 · x3 = x5 . Inverse Functions. Another important concept in the study of mappings and functions is inverse functions, which are employed in the solution of equations.
Background and Application. The most common application of inverse functions is solving systems of equations. For example, if one has a physical model of an image formation process, then it can be useful to invert the model (if possible) to find out what input parameters result from various outputs. This technique can be used in model-based object recognition, an important task in a subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence called image understanding.
Definition. If f : A -> B is 1-to-1, then f has an inverse denoted by f-1 : B -> A. This is shown by red arrows in Figure 1.5(a). If f is into, then f-1 will be onto. Otherwise, if f is onto, then f-1 will be onto.
Figure 1.5. Graphical illustration of functional inversion,
where f is (a) into or (b) onto.
Example. If the function f = {(1,a),(2,c),(3,b)}, then f-1 = {(a,1),(c,2),(b,3)}.
Exercise. What kinds of mappings are invertible? What kinds of mappings are not invertible? Why? Useful Functions. Two important functions in computer science are the ceiling and floor functions, defined as follows.
Definition. The ceiling function, written ceiling(x)
or ceil(x) or , is
defined as the smallest integer greater than or equal
to x.
Examples. (1) If x = 3.0, then = 3. (2) If x = 3.8, then
= 4.
Definition. The floor function, written floor(x)
or , is
defined as the largest integer less than or equal
to x.
Examples. (1) If x = 3.0, then = 3. (2) If x = 3.8, then
= 3.
Class #06: Monday 18 Jan 1999 Sequences and Summation. We have thus far examined notation and concepts that support sets, and operations over sets such as functions. In this class, we will examine the discrete structure called a sequence, and will define or analyze various operations over sequences. This will lead us into the topic of algorithms and complexity in Section 1.4 of these notes (Chapter 2 of the text), as well as prepare us for a discussion of number theory (Section 1.5 of these notes and Chapter 2 of the text).
Background. Lists form the basis for data structure implementations in many digital computing paradigms.
Representation. A sequence is denoted by {an}, which means a list of items denoted by:
{an} = {a1, a2,
..., an} or
{an} = {a0, a1,
..., an-1} .
The two forms are equivalent, but one may be more convenient in a given application.
Example 1. Let {bn} denote a sequence comprised of elements bi = (-1)i, i = 0..n-1 . Then, {bn} = {1, -1, 1, -1, ... }.
Example 2. Let {cn} denote a sequence comprised of elements ci = 5i, i = 0..n-1 . Then, {bn} = {1, 5, 25, 125, ... }.
Definition. Given a sequence {an} = {a1, a2, ..., an}, the summation of {an} is given by
= a1 + a2 + ... + an =
ai .
Example. Let {an} = {1,3,5,7}. Then,
{an} =
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16.
Definition. A sequence {an} is said to be strictly increasing if ai+1 > ai, i = 1..n-1 .
Example. S = {1,3,5,7} is a strictly increasing sequence.
Definition. A sequence {an} is said to be strictly decreasing if ai+1 < ai, i = 1..n-1 .
Example. S = {6, 4, 2, 0, -3, -7} is a strictly decreasing sequence.
Definition. A sequence {an} is said to be a geometric progression if it has the form
{an} = {a, a · r, a · r 2, a · r 3, ...} .
Example. S = {2, 10, 50, 250,...} is a geometric progression, where a = 2 and r = 5.
Observation. Summation of a geometric progression {an} yields a geometric series, of form
= a + a · r + a · r 2
+ a · r 3 + ... + a · r n-1 .
{an} =
a ·
r i-1 .
Derivation. The closed-form analytical expression of the summation of a geometric sequence {an} with terms having index zero to n is derived as follows:
r · {an} = r ·
a · r
i-1 =
a · r i =
a ·
r k .
Step 2. (Trick) Observe that
a · r k
· r k + (a · r n+1 - a)
+ (a · r n+1 - a) .
Step 3. (Result, given some manipulation of Step 2)
= (a · r n+1 - a) / (r - 1) .
Observation. Multiple summation is used in image and signal processing, as well as in matrix operations. For example, dual summation of a function f(i,j), where i varies from 1 to n and j varies from 1 to m, is expressed as:
(f(i,1) + f(i,2) + ... + f(i,m))
f(1,1) + f(1,2) + ... + f(1,m)
f(2,1) + f(2,2) + ... + f(2,m)
+ ...
f(n,1) + f(n,2) + ... + f(n,m) .
Example. Let a sequence S = {f(i,j): f(i,j) = i + 2j, i,j = 1..3} . Then,
S =
f(1,1) + f(1,2) + f(1,3)
f(2,1) + f(2,2) + f(2,3)
f(3,1) + f(3,2) + f(3,3)
= (3 + 5 + 7) + (4 + 6 + 8) + (5 + 7 + 9) = 54 .
One can observe, from the preceding example, that it is possible for the sum of a sequence generated by a function to grow as the number of terms in the sequence grows. This effect is called the growth of functions, which is basic to the analysis of algorithmic complexity. Growth of Functions. In this section, we discuss some concepts of complexity, including Big-Oh notation. To prepare for our exposition of algorithmic complexity in the next class, you should read Sections 1.7 and 1.8 in the text (Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 4th Edition).
Background and Application. Complexity analysis is key to the design of efficient algorithms. Note that the work or storage (memory) requirement of a given algorithm can vary with the architecture (processor) that the algorithm runs on, as well as the type of software that is being used (e.g., runtime modules generated from a FORTRAN versus C++ compiler). Thus, complexity analysis tends to be an approximate science, and will be so presented in this sub-section.
In particular, when we analyze the complexity of an algorithm, we are interested in establishing bounds on work, space, or time needed to execute the computation specified by the algorithm. Hence, we will begin our exposition of complexity analysis by analyzing the upper bound on the growth of a function.
Representation. "Big-Oh Notation" (e.g., O(x2) reads Big-Oh of x-squared) is used to specify the upper bound on the complexity of a function f. The bound is specified in terms of another function g and two constraints, C and k.
Definition. Let f,g : R -> R be
functions. We say that f(x) = O(g(x))
if there exist constants C,k
R such that
| f(x) |
C · | g(x) | ,
Example. Let f = x3 + 3x2. If C = 2, then
| f(x) | = | x3 + 3x2 |
2 · | x3 | ,
Class #07: Wednesday 20 Jan 1999
Types of Algorithms Considered. In this course, we will concentrate on several different types of relatively simple algorithms, namely:
Properties of Algorithms. It is useful for an algorithm to have the following properties:
Concept. In order to facilitate the design of efficient algorithms, it is necessary to estimate the bounds on complexity of candidate algorithms.
Representation. Complexity is typically represented via the following measures, which are numbered in the order that they are typically computed by a system designer:
Procedure. Analysis of algorithmic complexity generally proceeds as follows:
Step 2. For each step or operation, determine the desired complexity measures, typically using Big-Oh notation, or other types of complexity bounds discussed below.
Step 3. Compose the component measures obtained in Step 2 via theorems presented below, to obtain the complexity estimate(s) for the entire algorithm.
Example. Consider the following procedure for finding the maximum of a sequence of numbers. An assessment of the work requirement is given to the right of each statement.
Let {an} = (a1,a2,...,an) { max = a1 # One I/O operation for i = 2 to n do: # Loop iterates n-1 times { if aimax then # One comparison per iteration max := ai } # Maybe one I/O operation }
Analysis. (1) In the preceding algorithm, we note that there
are n-1 comparisons within the loop. (2) In a randomly
ordered sequence, half the values will be less than the
mean, and a1 would be assumed to have the mean
value (for purposes of analysis). Hence, there will be an
average of n/2 I/O operations to replace the value
with ai. Thus, there are n/2 +
1 I/O operations. (3)This means that the preceding algorithm
is O(n) in comparisons and I/O operations. More
precisely, we assert that, in the average case:
W(n) = n-1 comparisons + (n/2 - 1) I/O operations.
Exercise. In the worst case, there would be n I/O operations. Why is this so? Hint: This may be a quiz or exam question.
Useful Terms. When we discuss algorithms, we often use the following terms:
Example. Find the Big-Oh complexity estimate for n!
Hence, n! = O(nn) .
Theorem 2. (Additive Combination) If f1(x) = O(g1(x)) and f2(x) = O(g2(x)), then
(f1 + f2)(x) = O(max(g1(x), g2(x)) .
Theorem 3. (Multiplicative Combination) If f1(x) = O(g1(x)) and f2(x) = O(g2(x)), then
(f1 · f2)(x) = O(g1(x) · g2(x)) .
Example. Estimate the complexity of f(n) = 3n · log(n!).
Step 2. Let f1 = 3n and f2 = log(n!), with f = f1 · f2 .
Step 3. Note that 3n = O(n).
Step 4. From the law of multiplicative combination of complexity estimates (Theorem 3, above),
g1(x) · g2(x) = O(n) · O(n · n log(n)) = O(n2 · log(n)) .
Definition. If f,g : R -> R
are functions and
such that
| f(x) |
C · | g(x) | ,
then f(x) is said to be (g(x)) for all x > k.
Example. If f(x) = 8x3 + 5x2 +
7, then f(x) is
(x3), since
R+ .
Definition. If f,g : R -> R
are functions, where (a) f(x) is O(g(x))
and (b) f(x) is (g(x)), then f(x) is
said to be
or Big-Theta of g(x) .
Note: When Big-Theta notation is used, then g(x) is usually a simple function (e.g., n, nm, log n).
Example. Let f(n) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n. We know (from previous development) that f(n) = O(n2). To find a lower bound, note that:
Copyright © 1998,1999 by Mark S. Schmalz
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