WEEK Date Class TOPICS COVERED IN CLASS READINGS ASSIGNMENTS ---- ------ ----- ------------------------------- ------------ ----------- 01 W 06 J #01 Overview, Notation, Logics Ros Pref,1.1 F 08 J #02 Propositional Equivalences Ros 1.2 HW-1 ASN 02 M 11 J #03 Predicates and Quantifiers Ros 1.3 W 13 J #04 Sets and Set Operations Ros 1.4,1.5 HW-2 ASN F 15 J #05 Mappings and Functions Ros 1.6 HW-1 DUE 03 M 18 J -- FEDERAL HOLIDAY --- W 20 J #06 Sequences, Summation, Growth Ros 1.7,1.8 HW-3 ASN F 22 J #07 Algorithms and Complexity Ros 2.1,2.2 HW-2 DUE 04 M 25 J #08 Antegers, Division, Algorithms Ros 2.3,2.4 W 27 J #09a Integers, Division, Modulo-n Ros 2.4 F 29 J #09b Modulo Arithmetic Ros 2.4 HW-4 ASN 05 M 01 F #09c Applications of Number Theory Ros 2.5 HW-3 DUE W 03 F #10a Number Theory, Matrices Ros 2.6 F 05 F #10b Matrix Operations Ros 2.6 HW-4 DUE HW-5 ASN 06 M 08 F #11 Methods of Proof, Construction Ros 3.1 W 10 F #12 Mathematical Induction Ros 3.2 F 12 F #13 Mathematical Ind., Exam Review Ros 3.2 *** EXAM #1 : Monday 15 Feb 99: 8:20pm in Carlton Auditorium *** 07 M 15 F #14 Mathematical Ind., Recursion Ros 3.3,3.4 W 17 F #15 Recursive Definitions, Algor's Ros 3.4 HW-5 DUE F 19 F #16 Program Correctness Ros 3.5 08 M 22 F #17 Counting, Pigeonhole Principle Ros 4.1,4.2 Other HW's to W 24 F #18 Permutations & Combinations Ros 4.3 be announced... F 26 F #19 Probability Theory Ros 4.4 09 M 01 M #20 Probability Theory Ros 4.5 W 03 M #21 Statistics, Permutations Ros 4.6 F 05 M #22 More Permutations & Combin's. Ros 4.7 10 08-12M -- SPRING BREAK HOLIDAY --- 11 M 15 M #23 Recurrence Relations & Soln's. Ros 5.1 W 17 M #24 Solving Recurrence Relations Ros 5.2 F 19 M #25 Divide-and-Conquer Relations Ros 5.3 12 M 22 M #26 Inclusion-Exclusion Ros 5.4,5.5 W 24 M #27 Relations, n-ary Relations Ros 6.1,6.2 F 26 M #28 Representing Relations, Closure Ros 6.3,6.4 13 M 29 M #29 Equivalence Relations Ros 6.5 W 31 M #30 Total and Partial Orderings Ros 6.6 F 02 A #31 EXAM #2 - In Class --- 14 M 05 M #32 Basics of Graphs Ros 7.1-7.3 W 07 M #33 Graph Connectivity Ros 7.3,7.4 F 09 A #34 Euler & Hamilton Paths Ros 7.5 15 M 12 A #35 Shortest Path Problems Ros 7.6 W 14 A #36 Shortest Paths, Planar Graphs Ros 7.7 F 16 A #37 Graph and Map Coloring Ros 7.8 16 M 19 A #38 Trees, Tree Traversal, App's. Ros 8.1-8.3 W 21 A #39 Trees and Sorting Ros 8.4 F 23 A #40 Spanning Trees and MST's Ros 8.5-8.6 17 M ?? A #41 Boolean Algebra Ros 9.1,9.2 W ?? A #42 Logic Circuits and Minimization Ros 9.3,9.4 F ?? A #43 Languages & Grammars, FSAs Ros 10.1-3 --EOF--
-- -- Homework #01 DUE 15 Jan 1999 at 11:45am EDT -- --
-- READ THIS -- No Extensions Given without Medical Excuse -- READ THIS --
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