Note: The graph specifications from Homework #5 have been used with slight modifications, to make the data structures more familiar for you.
Comments in response to student questions are in red typeface.
Note in the above description that Prim's algorithm (for MST) is to be used, not Dijkstra's (for Shortest Path). The use of Dijkstra's was a apologies...
Then, construct a work budget for each type of operation, together with a Big-Oh estimate of complexity for each of the following graph representations: (a) adjacency matrix, (b) edge list, and (c) adjacency list.
(b) V = {a,b,c,d,e,f}, E = {(d,a,2), (b,c,4), (a,b,2), (e,b,3), (c,e,1), (b,d,1)}.
(c) Analyze the complexity of each case ((a) and (b), above) by constructing a work budget similar to Question 1, but for the adjacency list representation only, followed by a Big-Oh estimate. (2 points total)
(b) V = {a,b,c,d,e,f}, E = {(d,b,1), (b,e,3), (a,e,2), (e,c,4), (c,f,1), (b,d,1)}.
Copyright © 1999 by Mark S. Schmalz.