CDA 3101
Spring 2002
XSPIM Tutorial
1. Loading and Running a MIPS
A. In your favorite
editor , enter the following program. save it as sum.s
The first time that you look at the MIPS code
, it looks too complex and difficult to understand, but if you read the explanation
about the code you will realize that the code follows the convention of any
other well structured Language. After you save the
program, go to the following sections to learn the
basic instructions of the XSPIM simulator.
An explanation of the code.
# sum.s
# Asks for a number i. Then it calculates the sum of all numbers
# from 1 to i
# Register Usage:
# $t0 sum (the sum)
# $t1 i (loop index)
# $t2 testing if i>=1
# $t3 1
# Algorithm in c:
# int i,sum;
# scanf ("Please enter a number>=1",&i);
# if (i>=1)
# {
# sum = 0;
# while (i>=1)
# {
# sum = sum + i;
# i = i - 1;
# }
# printf ("The result is: %d", sum);
# }
str1: .asciiz " Please enter a number >=
1 : "
str2: .asciiz "\n\n The result is:"
.globl main
$v0, 4
# Here, we load the value for our macro print_str
$a0, str1
# We pass the argument
with the string
# Print the string
li $v0, 5
# value for macro read_int
# Get integer
$t1, $v0
# $t1 = $v0
addi $t3, $zero,
1 # $t3=1
slti $t2, $t1,
# if $t1<1 then $t2=1 else $t2=0
beq $t3, $t2,
do_nothing # if $t2==1 do nothing
addi $t0, $t0,
# sum = 0
sge $t2, $t1,
# if $t1>=1 then $t2=1 else $t2=0
beq $t2, $zero,
end # if $t2!=1 exit
add $t0, $t0 ,
$t1 # sum = sum + i
addi $t1, $t1 ,
-1 # i = i -
j loop
$v0, 4
# Here, we load the value
for our macro print_str
la $a0, str2
# We pass the argument with the string
# Print the
li $v0, 1
# value for the macro print_int
move $a0, $t0
move $t0 to the argument
li $v0, 10
#system call code for exit
#executes exit
B. Example of XSPIM window
C. Load the XSPIM.
In the UNIX shell type the command
xspim &
After that, you will see to appear the
previous window.Then in XSPIM, click the "load" button. In the popup dialog
box, enter the filename sum.s and click the "assembly
file" button. If everything in your program is correct the program should
be loaded without problems.
D. Run the program.
Click the "run" button. In the popup
dialog box, click "ok". The console window will open and the output
of the program will be displayed. You can hide/redisplay the console window
with the "terminal" button.
Normally, the code is loaded at the address 0x00400000
, but some times we want to start in another address direction the popup
dialog box allows us to change the value for the start position.
2. Changing
parameters in XSPIM
A. Changing
Registers or Addresses.
Some times, we want to be able
to set up the the values the registers individually. Then in the XSPIM
window, click in the button set value and in the popup we have two dialog
boxes. So, if we want to change some of the values for a register, we need
to input the selected register in the dialog windows "
Address or Register Name".
After that, we can set the value for that address or register in the dialog
box for values.
Normally, we introduce that
value in hexadecimal notation because of its compact representation and its
canonical mapping with the binary numbers.
B. Clearing Values.
We have a button in XSPIM
that allows to clear all the values in the register.
3. Some Tips for
Running Programs
A. Setting Breakpoints.
It is possible to add
breakpoint to our program. So, we can run our programs in segments that allow
us to see the change in the registers or in the memory data.
We can set this break point using the button called "
breakpt". After we click in the button, we can set the break
point in the position that we need. For that, we need to set the address
for this break point. For example:
Observe that the instructions jumps
from four bytes to four
0x00400000 lw $4, 0($29)
<= We want
to place the
break point here
addiu $6, $5, 4
Now, the
final version is
0x00400000 lw $4, 0($29)
break $1
<=Notice the change in
0x00400008 addiu $6, $5, 4
address for
the next
B. Step by step running.
We can run
the program instruction by instruction using the "
step" button. We can go one instruction each time or multiple
instructions each time. For that, we only need to change the size of each
step in the popup dialog box.