Class Notes: Introduction to Computers for Architecture Majors

Fall 2008 - Tue 10th Period (CIRCA CSE/E211A), Thu 10-11 Period (Arch 116)

Instructor: Mark Schmalz

Project 9 and Project 10 (Final Project) Assignment

Project 9 and the Final Project consists of drawing the site plan and landscape rendering, elevation, interior renderings (with furniture), and plan view for a contemporary home from two notional sketches, using Viz, then adding interior lighting. We will focus on aspects such as using the AEC objects, assigning materials to objects, including lights, rendering the drawing, etc, all of which have been covered in class. The steps given below provide you with an idea of how to proceed. It is not compulsory that you stick to the plan in every detail. So, there is a lot of scope for being creative, and the more creative you are, the more points you get.

However, there are some basic attributes of the drawing that should not be altered, such as its shape, relative proportions, and materials and composition of the basic sense of each work area. Details are provided visually in Figure 1.

This concludes the description of Project 9 and the Final Project. Use the E-mail link at the top of this Web page to ask the instructor, if you have any questions.