Step 2. Include trees and bushes, using the AEC Extended object type called Foliage, accessible from the draw menu and its rollouts to the right-hand side of the Viz screen.
Step 3. Modify the trees and bushes so that each one is different, by using the Seed button and dialog window to enter a new value for the random number that controls the size and shape of each plant object.
Step 4. Place exterior lighting around the trees and the house, to create a dramatic effect without decreasing the visibility of the Sturges house exterior detail.
Step 5. Model the house with its elaborated site plan using different types of lighting (e.g., different sun and sky combinations). Also, use different combinations of spotlights to light the trees from below.
Step 6. Put the sidewalk and carport in, as shown in the Internet version of the Sturges house. Make the driveway dark gray like asphalt, and make the sidewalks light gray like concrete.
Step 7. You do not need to draw an outline box around the drawing, but please reproduce the plan view and elevation with your name and last 3 digits of your UFID number. Also, you should choose the text size so that this information fits neatly into the text box. Do not choose text size less than 0.13 inches. Put "CGS2470-P8-F08" on the lower line of the box.
Step 8. Be sure to set the PLOT command scale and offset such that your drawings are printed out so that they fill the 6 1/2" by 9" area allotted for each page (1 inch margins assumed). You need to print out and submit the following pages:
No plan view or elevation should be handed in.
If you need further views of the Sturges House, you can find
many links on the Web, by entering the following keywords in the
Google search engine at
frank lloyd wright sturges house
Some of these will provide perspective views and 3-D pictures. Also recommended are the books on Frank Lloyd Wright and his architecture, available at UF's Fine Arts Library. The Architecture Library at UF also has a CD-ROM with Mr. Wright's home designs and drawings.
Grading. The project (6 drawings) will be graded as follows:
Item Score ----------------------------------------- ---------- How well camera shots online are followed 10 pts Quality of drawings (incl. lighting)) 10 pts All layers present, including lights 20 pts Quality of four views 60 pts ( 3 perspective views 3 wireframe views with color- coded layers ) ---------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM SCORE 100 points
Hardcopy. The completed project (six drawings ) should be printed on a color laser printer. A good place to print your drawings is the Architecture Lab or CIRCA computer lab on the second floor of the CSE building. Do not use a Xerox copier or do not copy any drawing from a Web page as an image. Both will be considered cheating, and will be dealt with severely.
Items Due. The project is comprised of six pages, which must be stapled together with a metal staple. Give the instructor your completed project in class on Tuesday 25 November 2008. Projects turned in a day late will be penalized -10%; two days late: -20%. Projects turned in after the Monday following the due date will not be accepted unless accompanied by a documented excuse (note from your physician or advisor).