Step 2. In a disk file (e.g., Proj-4a.dwg
create a drawing that exactly reproduces the plan view shown in
Figure 1 (minus the line scanning artifacts resulting from
not-so-straight page placement), but in a size that is
sufficient to be large enough for the bounding box discussed
below. Put a title below it that says "Frank Lloyd Wright
Design - Sturges House, Plan View". Put a bounding box
approximately around the floorplan, and put the
small box in the lower right-hand corner, with your last name,
last four digits of your UF-ID and "CGS2470-F08-P4". This
should be centered and printed on a separate sheet of 8.5" x
11" paper.
Your drawing should be set up so that you have layers for GRID, EXT-WALLS, INT-WALLS, DOORS, WINDOWS, FRENCH-DOORS, FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, LANDSCAPING, etc., as we discussed in class.
Step 3. In a second file (e.g., Proj-4b.dwg
create a drawing that portrays the elevation shown in Figure 1.
This is the exact elevation of the house for which you drew
the floorplan, so be sure to get the scale the same as for the
plan view. Do the textured features (e.g., lapboards and
shingles) using the HATCH command, as you did in Project 3.
Put a title below it that says "Frank Lloyd Wright Design -
Sturges House, Side Elevation". Construct a bounding box and
small box in the lower right-hand corner, as you did in the
preceding drawing. This drawing should also be centered and
printed on a separate sheet of paper so it looks neat and
appropriately sized in that context.
Use the same layers for this drawing that you used for the plan view in Step 2.
Figure 1.
CGS2470 - Plan view and elevation of the Sturges House (Los Angeles)
designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. For convenience, you may assume that
the unit squares in the plan view are 6'-0" by 6'-0" in size.
Reproduced from "Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses" by John Sergeant
(Watson-Guptill Publications, Inc., ISBN 0-8230-7178-2). Used for this
not-for-profit educational application with permission of Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ; Copyright (c) 2003 FLLW FDN,
Scottsdale, AZ - For educational use only, not for commercial use
of any kind.
Grading. The project (3 drawings) will be graded as follows:
Item Score --------------------- ---------- PLAN VIEW (55 total) Accuracy and lines 20 points Features & symbols 15 points Furnishings & plants 10 points Box,Scaling,centering 10 points SIDE ELEVATION (45 total) Accuracy and lines 20 points Features & symbols 15 points Box,Scaling,centering 10 points -------------------------------- MAXIMUM SCORE 100 points
Hardcopy. The completed project (two drawings ) should be printed on a laser printer. A good place to print your drawings is the Architecture Lab or CIRCA computer lab on the second floor of the CSE building. Do not use a Xerox copier or do not copy the drawing from the Web page as an image. Both will be considered cheating, and will be dealt with severely.
Items Due. The project is comprised of two pages, which must be stapled together with a metal staple. Give the instructor your completed project in class on (revised date) Thursday 09 October 2008. Projects turned in a day late will be penalized -10%; two days late: -20%. Projects turned in after the Monday following the due date will not be accepted unless accompanied by a documented excuse (note from your physician or advisor).