Kejun Huang


Kejun Huang

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Malachowsky Hall 3119
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Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

I'm interested in the general area of Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Optimization, and Statistics. Some specific topics include:

  • Latent variable models with identifiability guarantees, which enables us to discover patterns in an unsupervised fashion, including nonnegative matrix factorization, bounded/independent component analysis, dictionary learning, and tensor decomposition.

  • Non-convex optimization algorithms that are computationally efficient and (hopefully) with optimality guarantees.

  • Applications in various areas, including data analytics, natural language processing, and computer vision.


  • Feb. 2023, NSF CAREER Award

  • Dec. 2022, 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Society Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award: N. D. Sidiropoulos, L. De Lathauwer, X. Fu, K. Huang, E. E. Papalexakis, and C. Faloutsos, “Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 13, pp. 3551-3582, July 1, 2017.

  • Aug. 2022, SIGBio ACM-BCB Best Student Paper Award to A. Bumin for ‘‘FiT: Fiber-based Tensor Completion for Drug Repurposing’’ by A. Bumin, A. Ritz, D. Slonim, T. Kahveci, and K. Huang (2022).