Multimodal Membership Inference Attack

Can GPS/IMU data be fingerprinted from video?

Highlight of Research Idea

Overall Research Idea

This research investigates if anonymized global positioning system (GPS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) data is secure in an environment where video is being captured. In the event of a data breach for sports entities, can video footage from competitions be used to de-anonymize GPS/IMU data from an anonymous database? Prior literature has established that motion data can be fingerprinted in virtual reality games such as Beat Saber. Does this approach apply to data captured by sensors during sports competitions? And can this modality of data be fingerprinted based on video? We seek to find answers to these questions through our research project.

Current Work

Currently we have made progress on the following:

Highlight Video: OpenCap in Action

Preliminary exploration using OpenCap demonstrates the XYZ positions of joints, which will be crucial for proof-of-concept development.

Highlight Video: GPS/IMU Recording Application

Using an iPhone, this app provides data that matches that from Catapult and other GPS/IMU recording devices.

Action Plan

Our next steps include: