Existence of Isostatic, Maximally Jammed Monodisperse Hard-Disk Packings
A Geometric-Structure Theory for Maximally Random Jammed Packings
A Journey from Order to Disorder- Atom by Atom Transformation from Graphene to a 2D Carbon Glass
Toward the Jamming Threshold of Sphere Packings: Tunneled Crystals
A Mathematical Model of Collagen Lattice Contraction
Amorphous Graphene: A Realization of Zachariasen's Glass
Isotropic Band Gaps and Freeform Waveguides Observed in Hyperuniform Disordered Photonic Solids
Lattice Models in Micromechanics
An Evaluation of Non-Stochastic Lattice Structures Fabricated Via Electron Beam Melting
Unstructured Grid Generation for Non-Convex Domains
Parallel Hierarchical 2D Unstructured Mesh Generation with General Cutting
Fractal Dimension and Mechanical Properties of Human Cortical Bone
Introduction to Biosolid Mechanics
Hierarchy of Bone Structure Report
Effect of Ultrastructural Changes on the Toughness of Bone
In Silico Biology of Bone Modelling and Remodelling: Adaptation
Multiscale Topology Optimization of Bi-Material Laminated Composite Structures
Topology Optimization: Theory, Methods, Applications
Hierarchical Topology Optimization of Structures Subjected to Constraints on Material Design
Hierarchical Topology Optimization Problems in Three-Dimensions
These papers (and many more) discuss how to best locally parameterize a surface consisting of triangles: some authors like angle preservation, some like area preservation.
Intrinsic Parameterizations of Surface Meshes
Weighted Triangulations for Geometry Processing
Displaced Subdivision Surfaces
Cut-and-Paste Editing of Multiresolution Surfaces
Topology-Free-Cut-and-Paste Editing over Meshes
Going to Extremes: Meeting the Emerging Demand for Durable Polymer Matrix Composites
Polymer Matrix Composites Database
The First Five Years of the Materials Gonome Initiative: Accomplishments and Technical Highlights
NIST Materials Genome Initiative Online Tools
A Multiscale Approach to Determine Binding Energy Distribution on a Strained Surface
Penta-B_xN_y Sheet: A Density Functional Theory Study of Two-Dimensional Material
3D Printing Stiffness Foams Using Viscous Thread Instability
Fabrication and characterisation of ceramics via low-cost DLP 3D printing
Mechanical Properties of Metals
Deformation and Fracture of Engineering Materials
Failure: How do Materials Break?
Stress and It's Effect on Materials
Working Stress and Failure Theories: A Simplified Approach
Mechanisms of Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Ductile and Brittle Solids
Finite Element Computation of Discrete Configurational Forces in Crystal Plasticity
The Computer Simulation of Microstructural Evolution
Strain Energy in Linear Elastic Solids
Review of Strain Energy Methods and Introduction to Stiffness Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis