Algorithm and Decision Support for Multisensor Handheld Explosive Hazard Detec- tion Systems, U.S. Army Night Vision Electronics Sensors Directorate, $1,057,332.00, PI: J.N. Wilson, CoPI: P.D. Gader, CoPI: A. Banerjee
Active Topic-Learning-Based Legal EDiscovery, UF International Center for Auto- mated Information Research, $62,500, Co-PI: Daisy Wang, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson
A Machine Learning Approach to Representative Survey Generation, $12,000, PI: Daisy Wang, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson
Integrated Product and Process Design Program, Femtocell Spoofing Detection, $16,500 September 2013–August 2014, Walt Disney World
Integrated Product and Process Design Program, Eigenvector Face Recognition for Biometric Authentication, $16,500 September 2011–August 2012, Walt Disney World
Integrated Product and Process Design Program, Interactive Restaurant Table Design, $15,000 September 2010–August 2011, Walt Disney World
Integrated Product and Process Design Program, Wave Guest Interaction, $15,000 September 2009–August 2010, Walt Disney World
Integrated Product and Process Design Program, $15,000 September 2008–August 2009, Walt Disney World
Integrated Product and Process Design Program $15,000 September 2007–August 2008, Walt Disney World
Multi-sensor Detection of Obscured Objects, $1,497,861, October 2008–January 2011, Army Research Office, PI: P. Gader, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
The Morpheus Data Transformation Project, $269,263, September 2007–August 2011, NSF, PI: J. Wilson.
Feature-based Methods for Landmine Detection, $1,287,785, June 2007–June 2009, Army Research Office, PI: P. Gader, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Humanitarian Demining Algorithm Improvement, $25,000, December 2004 –June 2005, U.S. Department of the Army , PI: J.N. Wilson, Co-PI: P. Gader.
Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar for Humanitarian Demining, $476,264, Novem- ber 2001 ? May 2003, Science Applications International Corporation, PI: P. Gader, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Software Algorithm Improvements for Humanitarian Detection Handheld Standoff Mine Detection System, $146,469, September 2002 ? July 2004, U.S. Army Humanitarian Demining Office, PI: P. Gader, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Software Analysis Algorithm Development for GSTAMIDS, $36,000, September 2002 ? December 2002, PI: P. Gader, Co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Adaptive Image Manager for Reconfigurable Highspeed Realtime Computing Systems, $775,666, May1997 – May 2000, Submitted to DARPA, PI: G.X. Ritter, Co-PI: J. N. Wilson, Co-PI: M. Schmalz.
ATR and Neural Network Methods on the PAL System, $98,855, funded by United States AirForce Wright Laboratory Armament Directorate, October 1997 – December 1997, PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
PAL–Parallel Algebraic Logic, $624,270, funded by Lockheed Martin under sponsor- ship from EglinAir Force Base, June 1996-December 1999, PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Image Algebra Support for Multisensor Target Recognition, $73,271, funded by Lockheed Martin undersponsorship from the Advanced Research Projects Agency, June 1995 – June 1996, PI: J.N. Wilson.
A Signal and Image Processing Environment for Dual-Use Applications, $176,897, funded byUnited States Air Force Wright Laboratory Armament Directorate, May 1995–May 1996, PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Knowledge Based Algorithm Development, contract modification, $2,390,000, funded by the U.S.Air Force, May 1991 – April 1994. PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
University of Florida Aladdin Program, $47,047, funded by Honeywell SRC, January 1990 –December 1990, PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Passive Audience Tracking III, $49,949, funded by A.C. Nielsen Advanced Information TechnologyCenter, December 1989 – August 1990. PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Computer Vision and Image Processing Machine Architecture Design, $20,000. Florida HighTechnology and Industry Council, December 1989 – December 1990. PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Passive Audience Tracking II, $18,199, funded by A. C. Nielsen Media Research, August 1989 –December 1989. PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Porting the Image Algebra Environment to the DECStation, $5,000, funded by Digital Equipment Corporation, August 1989 – December 1989. PI: J.N. Wilson.
Passive Audience Tracking, $9,325, funded by A. C. Nielsen Media Research, July 1989 – August1989. PI: J.N. Wilson, co-PI: G.X. Ritter.
Knowledge Based Algorithm Development, $1,963,685, funded by the U.S. Air Force, May 1989– April 1992. PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
A Research Proposal on Passive Audience Monitoring, $39,717, funded by A.C. Nielsen MediaResearch, Tampa, FL, December 1988 – June 1989. PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
A Proposal for Computer Vision Research Instrumentation, $90,000, funded by the National ScienceFoundation and the University of Florida College of Engineering, August 1988 – August 1989. PI: B.C. Vemuri, co-PI: J.N. Wilson, G.X. Ritter.
Implementation of the Image Algebra on the Connection Machine, computing resources grant,funded by DARPA/ISTO through Syracuse University Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, June 1988-May 1999. PI: J.N. Wilson.
Research Proposal on Face Recognition, $40,423, funded by A. C. Nielsen Media Research, Tampa, FL, April 1988 – December 1988. PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
A Research Proposal on Image Processing Language Development, $126,000, funded by the AirForce Armament Division, June 1987 – December 1987. PI: G.X. Ritter, co-PI: J.N. Wilson.
Resource Allocation Request for Implementation of the Image Algebra on the Connection machine, computing resource grant, funded by DARPA/ISTO, June 1988 – June 1990. PI: J.N. Wilson.