What Can Karel Do?


Karel can move one block forward in the direction he's facing.


Karel can turn in place to the left whenever he's standing at a corner.

Direction sensing

Karel has an internal compass that can tell him what direction he is facing (north, south, east, or west).

Sensing walls

Karel has three inexpensive cameras attached to his head and can tell when there is a wall in front of him or to his left or right.

Hearing beepers

There is an inexpensive microphone attached to Karel's head. He can hear a beeper with this microphone, but only if he is standing at the same corner as the beeper.

Picking up beepers and putting them down

Karel has a soundproof bag attached to his waist. He also has a mechanical arm with which he can pick up a beeper and deposit it in the bag, or take a beeper from the bag and place it on the ground.
If a program is read into Karel's onboard control computer, he can carry out the actions specified by that program.

Programming Karel

This document is copyright 1994 by Joseph N. Wilson.