on the Use of Computing and Internet Technology in Support of Aging, Disability and Independence
30 June 2004
Tokyo, Japan
Program Chair: Sumi Helal, University of Florida
This small workshop is the third of a series of technical meetings aimed at bringing together and building a community of inter-disciplinary researchers working on the area of aging, disability and independence. By bringing computer engineers, bioengineers, telecom companies, robotics and AI experts, rehabilitation clinicians and scientists, nursing, medical experts, together, it will be possible to create scalable and economical solutions to elder care in the near future.
The first meeting (known ad the ICADI Preparatory Workshop) was held in London, UK June 2003. The entire workshop has been recorded and is available (in terms of presentations and audio) from the following web site: http://icadi.icta.ufl.edu/pre-icadi/ The purpose of the workshop was to prepare for a mega meeting called the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (ICADI) that took place in Washington, D.C., December 4-6, 2003. The preparation was focused on bringing in the European perspective and to create a comprehensive body of knowledge on European R&D projects in this area.
Information about the ICADI meeting can be found at: http://www.asaging.org/icadi
This third meeting (to which you are invited) is the Post ICADI workshop which serves the following purposes:
(1) to include the Asian perspective on Aging, Disability and Independence, and to create a comprehensive body of knowledge of ongoing projects in this area.
(2) to start an ad-hoc planning process that would lead into an organized inter-disciplinary community with official sponsorship and an initial set of activities.
1:00-1:15pm Opening and Introductions
1:15-1:45 US Perspective on ADI and Digest of ICADI and Pre-ICADI
Dr. Bill Mann,
RERC Director and Rehab Sciences, U of Florida
1:45-2:45pm Asian Perspective on ADI
2:45-3:15pm European Perspective on ADI.
3:00-3:15pm Break
3:15-4:30pm Planning Session – Round Table Discussion
6:30-9:00pm Working Dinner