I'm Jamie
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Jamie Westfall

University of Florida

Computer Engineering Major

Digital Arts and Sciences Minor

Introduction I am a third year Computer Engineering student studying at the University of Florida. I made this website by editing a bootstrap template so that I could showcase my passions.

Why Computer Engineering? Technology allows us to optimize human life. Life should be spent enjoying the time we have with our loved ones, not perfoming labor that could be automated. The advancements made in recent history are incredible; phone calls, airplanes, and the internet are making us more connected than anyone could have imagined. I want to help further push the boundary of what is possible.

Career Goals Use Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies to make a positive impact on the world. Further develop my UX and UI creation skills. Learn more about effective storytelling and how to incorporate it into VR.

Current Experience C++, Java, HTML/CSS, Unity, C# (specifically for Unity), PTC Creo, Blender, ANSYS


UF Media Effects and Technology Lab

Website: https://www.jou.ufl.edu/mediaeffectslab/

Gaining experience in: C#, Unity, UX, UI, Blender

The goal of my work is to use Unity to create VR experiences, varying in level of interactivity, which can then be used in studies to measure how specific elements of technology aid learning and can be used to inform and persuade.

I began working with Dr. Kalyanaraman in fall of 2016 by helping him brainstorm ideas for studies and creating prototype designs for some of the materials. A few samples are pictured below.

After several months of doing Unity tutorials, this past summer I began working on my current project: using the pope's encyclical on climate change to study how effectively technology can help raise awareness and motivate action.


In my time at UF, I have held a total of 7 different officer positions across 3 different student organizations.

Objects in Motion

President (current)

Historian (2016-17)

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Outreach Chair (current)

Webmaster (2016-17)

E-week Chair (2015-16)

Humanists on Campus

Treasurer (current)

Secretary (2016-17)

Objects in Motion

Weekly Farmer's Market Volunteering

Objects in Motion

Performing in the Homecoming Parade

Objects in Motion

Performing at Active Streets

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Tabling Demo: Makey Makeys

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

STEMazing Race Volunteering

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Volunteering at the Cade Museum

Humanists on Campus

Weekly Discussion Meetings

Humanists on Campus

Darwin Day Event

Humanists on Campus

Cooking Social

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you!

Email: jamie.westfall@ufl.edu

Phone: 727-251-1284