COT 5615: Mathematical Methods for Intelligent Systems I
Schedule: T 2, R 2-3
Location: CSE E122


  1. Notes and on-line material 
Instructor: Prof. Anand Rangarajan, CSE E352. Phone: (352) 505 1583, email:
Teaching Assistant: Yupeng Yan, CSE E309, email:

Office hours: Anand: T 9:20-10:00AM, R 10:10-11AM or by appointment. Yupeng: MWF 10:30-11:30AM

  1. Homeworks: 30% (roughly biweekly).
  2. Two Midterms: 35% each. The first midterm will in all likelihood be held on Thursday, October 15th, 2015 in class (R 2-3). The second midterm will be most likely be held on Tuesday, December 8th, 2015. Time: TBA
  1. Prerequisites: Basic calculus and probability theory
  2. Homeworks/programs will be assigned bi-weekly. We suggest MATLAB for the programming exercises.
  3. We'll use E-learning to administer the course.

Linear Algebra and Vector Spaces: matrix algebra, eigenvectors, singular value decomposition (SVD), norms, determinants, subspaces
Hilbert Spaces: Elementary functional analysis 
Probability Theory: Functions of a random variable, moments, distances between distributions, basic inference 
Information Theory: Convexity, Jensen's inequality, entropy