CAP 5416: Computer Vision
Schedule: T 8th-9th Period, R 9th Period
Location: CSE-E220
Required: Introductory Techniques for 3D Computer Vision, E.
Trucco and A. Verri, Publisher: Prentice-Hall.
Other Material: Class notes and papers from the following: IEEE
Trans. Patt. Anal. Mach. Intell. and other journals
Instructor: Prof. Anand Rangarajan, CSE 352.
Office hours: TR 1:30PM-3PM or by appointment.
Homeworks: 25%.
Two Midterms: 25% each.
Computational Exercises: 25%
Prerequisites: A familiarity with basic concepts in calculus and linear
algebra. A partial list of basic requirements follows. Calculus: Differentiation,
chain rule, integration. Linear algebra: Matrix multiplication, inverse,
Homeworks/programs will be assigned bi-weekly. If you do not have any
prior numerical computing experience, I suggest you use MATLAB for the
First Midterm will be given approximately at the middle of the semester
and the second will be in the last week of classes.
A set of notes which will evolve with the course can be found here.
Here is the link
to the homework and computational exercises announcements.
Image features: Image acquisition, edge detection, surface extraction,
Hough transform, deformable contours.
Stereopsis: Correspondence, epipolar geometry, reconstruction.
Motion: Motion fields, optical flow, structure from motion.
Recognition: Interpretation trees, invariants, Appearance-based
identification, pose estimation.