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using_reptilian [2019/02/25 12:24]
misterjei created
using_reptilian [2020/09/07 13:12] (current)
misterjei [Modifying Reptilian]
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 ===== Building the Kernel ===== ===== Building the Kernel =====
-text to go here+Reptilian has a re-configured kernel configuration used to reduce compile times within a VM. However, you will need to download the correct kernel version for the version of Reptilian you are using. 
 +We maintain a copy of the Linux kernel git repository and create tags with each Reptilian release that have been tested and verified as working. You can find and clone the kernel here: [[]] 
 +While the kernel can in principle be cloned and built in any directory, all testing is completed by cloning the kernel repository into **/usr/rep/src**.
 ===== Android & Remote Debugging ===== ===== Android & Remote Debugging =====
-text to go here+Reptilian has remote debugging enabled by default on the typical Android port (**5555**). You can connect to Reptilian from Android Studio and other Android tools. To connect to Reptilian in VirtualBox from Android Studio: 
 +  - Boot Reptilian VM and wait for startup to complete 
 +  - Start Android Studio and open target project 
 +  - When running the application, select **Innotek GmbH VirtualBox** as the device 
 +===== Modifying Reptilian =====
 +Here are some pointers on modifying Reptilian:
 +  - [[Modifying the Linux Kernel]] (as of v4.19)
using_reptilian.1551115473.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/02/25 12:24 by misterjei