CAP4730: Assignment 3

Interactive Experience – (non-game)


Assigned: Friday, February 29th, 2008
Due: Monday, March 24th, 2008


Objective: Create an interactive experience that includes 3D OpenGL and the following topics:

1)     Lighting

2)     Texturing

3)     Blending

4)     Picking

5)     Something else


Lighting – Scene should have at least 1 spotlight and 1 omni-directional light.  The lights should change color in the experience. 10 points


Texturing – As a minimum, create a textured skybox within which the scene takes place. 25 points


Blending –Implement at least decal, transparency, and additive blending. 25 points


Picking – Allow the user to click on an object to select it. (hint: gluUnproject) 30 points


Something else – choose 1 from (20 points):

·       particle system (e.g.

·       audio (OpenAL,

·       cloth (mass-spring models)

·       network code (e.g. explore VRPN,, check out vrpn Text)

·       Inverse Kinematics, Keyframes, intro movie, webcam (opencv), propose something to me