Project 0

Points: 6 (+4n)


Setup for working with OpenGL and webGL2

Task 1: Tutorial

For openGL follow the instructions of openGL tutorial Tutorial 1 and 2:

Install CMake  
Install your favourite C++ Integrated Development Environment (eg Visual Studio)  
Download the code of tutorial
Run CMake (compile into TUT/build) and run Tutorial 2 where
TUT := location of the tutorial after install, e.g. C:\Users\jorg\Downloads\ogl-master\ogl-master.

For webGL2 follow the instructions of webGL tutorial

in particular setup
Install your favourite Javascript Integrated Development Environment
Run examples

Task 2: Project 1 set up

For openGL

Download code_base1 to TUT/misc05_picking
Replace CMakeLists.txt by the new one in the code base (keep the old one and do a diff to see what changed).
Run CMake (compile into TUT/build)
[4 pts] run the scaffold program to see

  • [2 pts] Change the title of the window to your name "Lastname, Firstname"
  • For webGL2: nothing yet (showing the points will be part of Project 1)


    practice submission -- all the other submissions will look alike