Project 3 ©Jorg Peters Subdivision + Texture

Points: 30 (+ 40 BONUS)


Set up

Points: 0

Task 1: Display face net

Points: 12+3
  • Choose a face geometry mesh, not too fine, and place into the scene
  • If the mesh has quads, show them (not triangles) for full points. Note that your choice here will influence your choice of subdivision algorithm in Task 3.
  • The f key toggles show/hide of the wireframe of the model

    Task 2: Add a texture

    Points: 0+12+3


    Points: 40
  • (Points: 20) Render a smooth surface with the wireframe as a subdivision surface control net.
    Choose one of: Catmull-Clark subdivision, Doo-Sabin subdivision, Loop subdivision, quadratic-attraction subdivision , 4-3 subdivision , polyhedral net splines ,
  • (Points: 15) uv-map your face texture onto the curved surface.
    The P key toggles show/hide of the smoothly rendered head ( = with subdivision level at least 2)
    The u key toggles show/hide of the texture.
  • (Points: 5) Animate the front your face to show a smile.

    as for previous projects: explain per Task in the video and Readme.txt.
  • Filepaths to load models must be relative to the source directory (no absolute paths specific to your computer). Use a "models" folder within the top-most level of the source repo ("ogl-master"). If you need to deviate specify the location in the readme file.