Project 1c ©Jorg Peters

Points: 20

Task 1: 3D Picking and Dragging

Points: 5

When the shift key is pressed on the keyboard, horizontal mouse motion moves B-spline control points \(P_i\) in the z-direction. (This motion is not yet visible).

Task 2: Double View

Points: 10

In the top half of the window draw the default view perpendicular to the x-y plane. In the bottom half of the window draw the side view perpendicular to y-z plane.

The double-view should be toggled when 4 is pressed.
NOTE: Picking needs only work in Single View.

Task 3:

Points: 5

On key 5 press toggle on-off a (suitably large) yellow dot traveling around the closed BB-curve (animation). Draw the tangent (red), normal (green) and bi-normal (blue) [Frenet frame] of the curve at the yellow dot.