C======================================================================= C C user-set parameters for mesh-computation template C C======================================================================= C C The mesh computation is based on the idea of a 3D grid of C processes. Parameters XPROCS, YPROCS, and ZPROCS give the C dimensions of that grid. C integer XPROCS, YPROCS, ZPROCS parameter (XPROCS=2) parameter (YPROCS=2) parameter (ZPROCS=2) C C Arrays to be distributed among grid processes are assumed C to have dimensions NX by NY by NZ. mesh_parms.h C defines parameters NXlsize, NYlsize, and NZlsize as C dimensions for local sections of such arrays, based on C parameters NX, NY, NZ, and the process grid sizes defined C above. C C CAUTION: C C The dimensions of the process grid need not evenly divide C the dimensions of the grid. (E.g., XPROCS need not divide C NX.) However, to use the X dimension as an example: C The template assumes that the X-dimension of the grid C is broken up into XPROCS sections, of which all but the C last are of size NXlsize (= ceiling(NX/XPROCS)). The C size of the last section is given by: C NX - (XPROCS-1)*NXlsize C You must avoid setting NX and XPROCS such that this C quantity is non-positive. (Example: If NX=5 and XPROCS=4, C then NXlsize=2, and the above quantity is -1, which is not C valid.) C PARAMETER (NX=8,NY=6,NZ=4) C C In addition, distributed arrays may need "ghost boundaries" C to hold values from neighboring processes -- a ghost boundary C of size N is appropriate for array X if computation for a C particular cell (of X or some other array value) depends on C the values of X in N neighboring cells in each direction. C Parameter NGHOST gives the size of such ghost boundaries. C mesh_parms.h uses this parameter to define parameters C IXLO, IXHI, IYLO, IYHI, IZLO, and IZHI, which can be used C to dimension arrays with ghost boundaries -- e.g., C X(IXLO:IXHI,IYLO:IYHI,IZLO:IZHI). C C CAUTION: C C The width of the ghost boundaries must not exceed the size C of the local sections. C PARAMETER (NGHOST=1)