Current implementations include an assortment of utility routines:
integer function iprocnum(iptype, ipx, ipy, ipz) subroutine pxpypz(iproc, iptype, ipx, ipy, ipz)In no-host-process implementations, the argument iptype is omitted.
subroutine ilocal(ii, ipx, iiloc) subroutine jlocal(jj, ipy, jjloc) subroutine klocal(kk, ipz, kkloc) subroutine iglobal(ipx, iiloc, ii) subroutine jglobal(ipy, jjloc, jj) subroutine kglobal(ipz, kkloc, kk)
subroutine xintersect(iglob1, iglob2, iloc1, iloc2, - lempty) subroutine yintersect(jglob1, jglob2, jloc1, jloc2, - lempty) subroutine zintersect(jglob1, jglob2, kloc1, kloc2, - lempty)
subroutine fname(iptype, ipx, ipy, ipz, inname, - outname)In no-host-process implementations, the argument iptype is omitted.